
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Angel in the Clouds

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! I’m doing something a little different with my mid-week not-so Wordless Wednesday. Typically, I share a photograph but I’m opening this time slot to share my new artsketches with you. It’s still a picture but not created with a camera. I didn’t use any Internet sources as an example for this drawing, I call it Angel in the Clouds. It looks like she’s standing charge over someone special below.

Do you believe in angels? Has your guardian angel kept you from harm? Have you met an angel?

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.

1. What are your ingredients for a perfect Saturday? Plenty of sunshine and time to escape to our favorite getaway spot, the Appalachian mountains!

2. What skill do you wish more people took the time to learn? That’s easy, cursive handwriting. Ever since the technology explosion (mobile devices), kids are no longer taught script handwriting and those who managed to learn it didn’t spend time purrfecting the art resulting in some awful scribbles.  In recent years, I learned that they no longer teach cursive handwriting in school and that’s just a shame!

3. What’s something you ate as a child you can’t stand now as an adult?  Honestly, I was not a picky eater. I did get tired of eating pinto beans often and even swore that one day I’d never have them again but in truth I love pinto beans and can’t imagine not having a big kettle of home cooked pintos with corn bread. Yum!

4. Something parenting has taught you? If you’re not a parent tell us one important lesson you learned from your own parents.  You mean besides it not being an easy gig, right? Parenting has taught me to not be so quick to judge other parents.  When you don’t have kids then it’s easy to point a finger saying, “If that was my child or I’d never do that…” Every parent has their own style. What works for one, doesn’t work for another. Another thing is just because a kid gets into  trouble doesn’t necessarily mean the parents were bad. Often times it boils down to a kid refusing to follow the instructions of the parents. Rebellion brings on hard lessons learned fast.

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about mothers or motherhood. “No one will love you like dear Mom”. I found a song expressing these sentiments on YouTube.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Here’s the purrrfect song to go with today’s artwork.




Has your guardian angel kept you safe? Share your story of a time your escaped an otherwise horrible fate.


Have a good day and please join me tomorrow for laughs on Friday Fun Stuff!










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32 thoughts on “Angel in the Clouds

  1. I love your angel and I immedia5ely thought of my mom. I love angels and have them in my office as paintings(famous artwork not starving artists). You did a beautiful job and I would like to think an angel is looking over me just like the ABBA song which is quite beautiful. I can’t stand shake and bake. My mom always made shake and bake pork chops because it was quick and I am now sick of that. A perfect Saturday?? A day where I can get things done that I wanted to get done. I wish more people were interested in history. Too many people have no clue about history..example…my best friend’s son loved Dunkirk (bleccchhh). When I asked what he loved about it, he loved the quick style and action but he thought the plot was thin! The plot!! When I told him it actually happened, his eyes popped and he had no clue. Without knowing history how can we learn from the past so we don’t make the same mistakes? How can we learn tolerance? How can we learn that not everything is black and white? Back to mother…I saw a card that a wonderful lady made showi;g the definition of mother which I loved. The one part made me cry suddenly because one part said “to cry on her shoulder”. I really miss her shoulder.

  2. While i’ve never seen an angel that i am aware of, perhaps it was an angel that pushed the ice chest off the freeway when it fell out of the truck in front of me the other day. No one hit the thing, which was amazing.

    Lovely drawing!

    1. Mimi,

      I haven’t seen an angel, either. I bet one did move that ice chest off the freeway. That’s the only explanation for the unexplainable! God has given charge to His angels to watch over us. Sometimes they come in the form of earthly angels and other times they are unseen. Many years ago when our kids were small, we were traveling home from southern WV after Thanksgiving. It was cold and dark. We were about an hour from home when we died. Thankfully, our timing was purrrfect (or could that also be divine intervention?), we were very close to an exit. DH was able to coast off the highway onto the shoulder of the road. We sat there not knowing what to do. This was pre-cell phone days. There was a house not far ahead but we couldn’t see any lights on, so we decided to walk to it to request to borrow their phone. We went as a group to alleviate someone’s fears when answering the door. You know, it’s highly unlikely someone with wife and kids in tow are going to rob you then if only a man shows up at the door. These folks were so super nice. They invited us in, allowing us to warm up. The elder son was there visiting his parents, offered to take DH to Walmart to get a battery for our car which was a temporary fix. Our car wouldn’t get us home because the problem DH suspected was the alternator. We were forced to stay at a nearby hotel. The elder son and wife followed us to make sure we got there ok. This all happened during one of DH’s layoffs. We were strapped on money. Luckily, my in-laws gave me $50 for an early B-day present which was just enough to cover the one night. The next day, the car barely started up. We had to let it to roll backwards to jump start the battery and we went straight to the Toyota dealership. The mechanic confirmed the problem but we didn’t have the $500. DH called his folks who agreed to loan it to us. They fixed the car (thankfully the part was in stock) and on blind faith wrote a check for the repair hoping the borrowed funds arrived in time. Tired we got home early afternoon and when I checked the mail, there waiting for us was a commission check (we were doing an MLM at that time) that covered our expenses. I went clippity-hoppity all the way up the drive toward the house singing praises to the good Lord for all His goodness. We certainly had multiple angels (spiritual and human) taking excellent care of us that weekend!

  3. What a sweet angel, Cathy. She is ready to spread her angel dust in the Appalachian mountains. 🙂 I agree with you about cursive handwriting. Mine used to be nice and I enjoyed making it look pretty. Now that I use a computer all of the time, my handwriting seems to have lost its flair.

    1. Eugenia,

      I know, my handwriting suffers for the same reason and where I don’t use my hands like I once did then it tires horribly.

  4. Ooooo I never heard that song! Very cool indeed, and yes I do believe in angels. I truly believe that my daughter that I had lost at four months old is my guardian angel & I also feel my gramma watches over me also. I also think I just have a guardian angel that watches me when there’s trouble. One day I was driving along and I was about to pull over to another lane and I felt a hand on my right shoulder and I turned my head quickly like “WHAT THE…” and I saw a car and swerved back. It could’ve been disaster & I remember saying, “THANK YOU JESUS”! Also, I was in an abusive relationship many years ago & I know my angel took good care of me and worked overtime poor thing. Her & I prayed a lot together & we talked a lot together. I felt her presence & she is the only thing that kept my sanity at times. He was choking me and I could feel her presence and a breeze on my face helping me to breathe. It was truly a miracle & I’ll never forget it. She comes to me at night when I say my prayers, but she doesn’t have to help me so much these days, but she does hold my hand when I have pain. I’m never alone… we are never alone. I have these Angel books I recently found on Amazon that I want to read. I’ll let you know how they are. HUGS… oooooooooo girl… don’t get me started on Angels. Love your heavenly drawing… your clouds are amazing also as you are!!!! BLESS YOU MY FRIEND///

    1. Marie,

      I’m so glad your angel saw you through some dark times when you were in an abusive relationship, as well as keeping you from harm on the road. You’re right, we’re never alone. Jesus is always with us. His words, “Lo, I am with you alway” give me comfort every day. Thank you for your sweetness. You’re such a dear friend!

  5. “Another thing is just because a kid gets into trouble doesn’t necessarily mean the parents were bad.” This is soooo true! I wish I had put that as my answer. I have a dear friend and her kids are all ok now, but when they were in their teenage years…boy oh boy it was a different matter. And it was NOT the parents fault.
    I enjoyed reading your answers!

    1. It’s good that you understand this, too. Oh to be more like Jesus then none of us would so quick to judge, would we? I’m just glad He opened my eyes to this truth. Thanks for the visit.

  6. This is gorgeous, Cathy. It is that image of what an angel would be above me (or my kids), protecting. I did a similar one in Photoshop but no drawing–I used a picture of my son praying, drew in a halo, and use Photoshop’s cloud background and a few other tools. I still love it to this day because I get the same feeling from it as I do from yours.

    1. Jacqui,

      I like playing with photo-editors. I use Pixelmator which does a lot of the same things that Photoshop does. Thanks for visiting and your sweet comment, dearie. Have a good afternoon!

  7. Your Angel In the Clouds is beautiful! I certainly believe I have a guardian angel working overtime for me. I have had so many near miss accidents in my 56 years of life!

    Happy WW, Cathy!

    1. Veronica,

      You’re the same age as me! 🙂 I certainly have had mine, too. I guess what keeps a bit safer than most is I’m home most of the time but I did fall pretty sick 5-years ago and if it weren’t for God nudging to see a doctor then the outcome could’ve gone differently. Thanks for visiting!

  8. I love your angel in the clouds. So pretty and I’m sure she’s watching over someone very special.

    Cursive handwriting is a good thing. I think it’s a wonderful thing that should be taught.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥

  9. My daughter insisted on learning cursive and explained to me that kids that write in cursive get higher scores on the SAT essays than printing… she’s in her second year of college.

  10. Nice! I dreamed that all the stars were falling and then realized that they were all angels… and then I was falling too and frightened but did not resist…. that dream has stuck with me.

  11. That is a beautiful angel. I do believe in them. I agree with you on cursive writing, although mine needs some practice too. Being a leftie, I always had trouble with it.

    1. Ellen,

      I always thought a leftie was neat. I guess that’s because I’m right-handed. I remember how I used to try to teach myself to write with my left hand and sometimes I still challenge myself. I do better now than I did but it needs a lot of work. It’s not easy with the muscles in that hand not developed for writing.

  12. HI Cathy I really enjoyed m y visit this morning..and many thanks for visiting my blog and your comments.. I do live right along the Blue ridge Parkway about 80 miles north of Mabry Mill, but it is a favorite spot along the way… My mom and dad used to live a little further along the parkway and so we passed by there so many times along our way. We’ve had many a reunion picnic on both sides of my family at some point along the parkway so I have many happy memories about it.. You a re absolutely right, parenting isn’t an easy gig, especially if you have more than one, apparently. our one and only daughter has two precious girls but they a re her full time job..I was pleased to see you host Wordless Wednesday… That looks really fun… I think I’ll give it a try today. Yes, I do believe in guardian angels and have been aided by them many times in my life..My husband actually was aided by a tangible angel and older woman one day when his truck broke down on a country lane . He was on his lunch hour and was stranded on a lonely road where there were very few other cars… He really needed to get back to work but it was too far to even walk out to a main road to get there in time. Then a car passed by and an older lady rolled down her window and asked if she might help him.. He told her his situation. Without hesitation she said hop in.. I can take you there…He really thought hard about it thinking it seemed somehow a bit inappropriate but it was his only choice so he gathered his things he needed for work and got in her car and she was very pleasant and had him back to work in about 20 minutes.. as he was gathering his stuff to get out of the car he was adjusting it all in his arms to carry it across the parking lot, he turned back to thank her and the car and she were gone.

    1. Thanks for the return visit, Schotzy! I remembered coming to your place this morning but when I clicked on your login URL I know that wasn’t where I was and I had to go back to Joyce’s place to get your active blog address. Here’s a tip for ya but when visiting a WP blog, you might want to include your preferred blog URL in comments. Just copy and paste the direct link. It doesn’t have to be a fancy signature. I know some folks don’t know how to do that but your link will get me and others over to place easy-peasy. I loved the story you shared about hubs being stranded. I’ve read stories similar to this and it really makes ya think twice. 🙂 Have a good day and yes, please join my linky party. You’re welcomed to do so anytime!

  13. Hi, Cathy!

    I am excited to see another example of your artwork, dear friend! That angel in the clouds surely does appear to be watching over someone here below. I must have a guardian angel because I have had numerous close calls in my life and was spared disaster every time. I feel lucky and grateful.

    My ingredients for a perfect Saturday are having plenty of free time and no pressure, able to use the day as I wish with no obligations. In fair weather it might mean visiting the beach or riding bikes with Mrs. Shady. On rainy days it means thinking, writing, creating and discovering new-to-me mewsic.

    One thing I ate as a child that I can no longer stand is breakfast cereal loaded with sugar. A skill I wish more people took time to learn is communication skill. Actually I consider communication as much an art as a skill. In this modern age of abbreviation, code and emojis, few people develop their communication skills fully and use them in their daily lives.

    Happy not-so Wordless Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I know I have a guardian angel standing watch. I vividly remember when I was a young mother. We were headed out to church one Sunday. I can’t recall which daughter I had in my arms as a baby now but I remember the close call I had. Anyhow, I was coming down our front steps and somehow my heel caught the hem of my dress. A flash of me falling breaking bones and possibly injuring my baby crossed my mind but somehow I managed to keep my balance, freeing my foot in time. That shook me. I immediately offered God thanks for sparing us and from that time on I let DH carry our baby to the car if I was wearing heels. 🙂 I don’t like the really sugary cereals mostly because they aren’t healthy or filling. If I didn’t care about those two things then I’d have no problem eating it. lol I love cereal of all kinds!! Communication skills are lacking. Sometimes I feel stupid when I receive abbreviations in a text but I don’t let it stop me from saying, “what does this mean?”. This does two things. It educates me and it shows the sender the importance of communicating one’s thoughts instead of relying on shortened forms. Of course, I’m guilty of using abbreviations but at least I think it’s real common stuff but if I’m texting someone who’s not used to texting then I reserve not using them. Thanks for popping by this morning, my friend!

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