Affinity photoedit play Cumberland Falls Kentucky

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs to not-so Wordless Wednesday! A few years ago one of our day trips took us north to the state of Kentucky. We visited Cumberland Falls State Park. It was a gorgeous day. However photographing the river wasn’t the best time because of heavy rains received earlier that week. The water wasn’t pretty, just muddy brown.

The original, unfiltered photo.

Using the above photo in my Affinity photo-editing software I altered the image feel by changing the temperature.

This is a simple hue adjustment.

The blue hue is kinda cool, but I really like how the next photo-ed turned out.

This effect is called Difference. The eerie contrast gives the image a not-of-this-world sense. I think it would be a nice Sci-fi cover.

Nothing super magical in what I did, but the fun opportunity to playfully manipulate the original to make the image more interesting.

You can read more about my Cumberland Falls adventure in 2014, here.  In case you missed the mews I’m working on my site, repairing broken links and videos while summer blog traffic is slow. What this means is I’m minimizing my content by combining posts that are very similar such as (Not-so) Wordless Wednesday and Skywatch Friday.

Be sure to join me for Friday Sillies and more Friday fun! Have a fototastic day!


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  1. Hi Kathy !

    Thanks most sincerely for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~, I appreciate it so much, and thank you for your Wordless Wednesday, I’ve just joined it with joy !

    As for the followers gadget on my Blog I’ve just checked it and it’s working, probably you haven’t a Google + account, that’s the only chance you have to add to my followers ( things have changed less than a month ago, until then you coul join with every profile you wanted, now things are different and more difficult, I wonder why ! ).

    Have a wonderful day, today, and beautiful days to come

    Xx Daniela

  2. I like waterfalls, no matter what the color of the water. I like the original. The bluer one is nice too.

  3. I think that looks like a beautiful place to visit, Cathy. You are so blessed to live in such a beautiful area.

    The blue one has a really interesting glow about it. I think, though, the original is my favorite. I wonder how the the original would look layered with the blue one? I’m glad that you’re having fun with all of these editing filters/tools. I have a fun time playing with mine. My favorite on my phone is SnapSeed, especially the Retrolux filter. 🙂

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Some pretty, appealing landscape, and waterways…

    I hope this comment takes. I have had an awful time sticking on your site.

  5. The first photo is still a gorgeous shot, but I feel you about the discoloured water. On our recent holiday I also took some waterfall shots and due to flooding in the area the waterfall was more like a rushing river of mud!! Some shots are okay, but you can see the brown tinge to the water — so you’ve given me a great idea of how to apply a “fix!” 🙂
    I really like the sci fi feel shot. It does look rather other worldly.

    1. Les, well, I’m certainly glad I offered a bit of inspiration for simple fix of similar photos. The magic of photo-editing can make the difference in you sharing or not sharing your images. 😉

    1. Patrick, we were at Cumberland Falls a couple of years ago, but I didn’t get to photograph the falls. I’d like to return this fall and try getting some better shots. Hopefully, I won’t have to worry with muddy water this time. lol

  6. All nice photos. Looks like some nice falls too. I don’t recall ever having been there, but I’ve heard of the falls. Beautiful!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, Cumberland Falls is home to the Moonbow. We have not tried to see it because the weather conditions have to be just right, but after this month’s poor night sky watching for the perseids meteor showers then I’m gain for just about anything because it felt adventurous. Cumberland Falls isn’t too far north of Knoxville, maybe a couple of hours, so next time you’re back home you ought to take a day trip up there to see the area. It’s a nice place.

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