
15-03-2025 Vol 19

A view over Alcoa Highway for #SkywatchFriday plus a ragtag dose of weekly #humor & #FriendlyFill-ins!

This week has been full. Actually, the past two weeks have been rather busy.  Last week, we needed to take the car to the shop one morning and I captured a beautiful sunrise. What made the day especially pretty was how the clouds were cradled in the valleys of the foothills surrounding Alcoa Highway. Check it out below.  

Skywatch Friday – Sunrise from Alcoa Highway

With our busier than usual schedule, I’m looking forward to a little relaxation this evening with DH.  To bring this work week to an end, it’s time for a weekly ragtag dose of humor! 

Yep, that about sums it for me.

I’ve never been one for running, even when I was little. My elliptical is a different story but this comic made me smile. 

It’s the weekend, guess what I want…

I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins 

1. Never have I ever been on an airplane. In my early adult years, I thought it would be cool to fly but not anymore. True I’m more likely to be in an auto accident than a plane crash but the odds of survival are better in a car. 
2. I won’t worry again. This isn’t exactly true. You’ll probably find me worrying about something but I’ve decided to not worry about what others do when they know better to do what’s right, polite, or considerate. I will continue to take the high road with my approach even when it seems unappreciated or acknowledged. It hurts but at least I know I won’t have to deal with any regrets because I did the right thing.
3. I believe I have a good knowledge of what’s right or wrong.  I think we all can say that we possess the ability to distinguish the difference and when you’re uncertain, your instant probably pulls you toward the right path even if you haven’t the clue why or at least that’s been my experience. It pays to listen to that little voice inside your head. No not the only telling smack the person next to you. That one will get you in trouble. 🙂
4. Fear is my worst enemy.  Fear stops me from doing what I want causing me to doubt myself.  If I am able to push past the fear then usually I surprise myself.  I’m learning it’s better to take a chance than to one day look back and say, ‘Why didn’t I try? What’s the worse thing that could happen? Maybe something wonderful could’ve become of this if only I had tried. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m getting on any airplanes. lol

Do you like mewsic? Do you like to boogie? If you said yes to either, then you’re invited to be my guest at the best dance party in Cyberville with ‘your choice song picks‘ spinning on the turntable right here on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday.

Have a boogietastic weekend, my friend!

X💋X💋, Cathy


More Friday linky parties…

Celebrate the Small Things Lexa Cain self-titled blog   Feline Friday Sandee @Comedy Plus   Friday Fill-ins hostess #1 Ellen @ 15andMeowing   Friday Fill-ins hostess #2 Lorraine @FourLeggedFurballs   Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy Skywatch Friday Alan @Yogi’s Den

Disclaimer:  Comics used in herein do not belong to me but are borrowed resources from the world wide web with the expressed purpose to make others some smile or giggle and if both happen great. 

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34 thoughts on “A view over Alcoa Highway for #SkywatchFriday plus a ragtag dose of weekly #humor & #FriendlyFill-ins!

  1. Your funnies literally made me laugh out loud. The one about your brain having tabs open and some being frozen is so relatable. And thank you so much for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I have also never flown on a plane, and I don’t think I ever wish to. I don’t like traveling or being off the ground, so there’s that. Happy thoughts to you!

  2. That’s a gorgeous photo! I’ll be by later to participate in Mewsic Monday with the rest of y’all. It’ll be good to be back!


  3. Hi Cathy 🙂 Lovely shot of the sky! Get me a pizza too!!! 🙂 I love the gif of Shirley Temple, I’m guessing that’s from The Little Princess? That was my favourite movie as a kid! I’m such a Weird Al fan, I loved seeing that video!

    1. Rain,

      We did indeed have my favorite pizza – Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust! I ordered a Super Supreme and Meat Lovers for delivery. Yum, good stuff!! Getting two pizza usually lasts us a couple of weekends, so that’s the way to go. I liked watching Shirley Temple movies as a kid but I didn’t see too many of them and I certainly don’t know which film the gif was made from. Since you have a strong sense about it being The Little Princess then you’re probably right. Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  4. Wow, what a fabulous photo, Cathy, and love your funnies. I’ve been on an airplane many times and now you couldn’t pay me to fly. The last time I was on an airplane was in 2010 – from Baltimore, MD to Jacksonville, FL. Due to bad weather all flights were delayed for hours. Once I finally boarded my flight the crew yelled out “Welcome to Southwest Airlines – drinks on us!” It was a great finale to my years of flying in airplanes.

    1. Eugenia,

      Sometimes I think it would be neat to fly but then I get chicken about the idea. Maybe, if DH and I did it together someday then I’d be alright with trying it just once. Of course, we’ll have to talk the other into doing it which might be a challenge. 🙂

  5. WordPress just ate my long comment. I’ll try again later. (I can’t type that all out again.)

    1. Liz, I’ve had trouble with several WP blogs today, but not this one (that I know of). I know it’s frustrating, but I’m glad it’s not just me.


      1. Kim,

        I got you linked up to the 4M dance party. The problem has something to do with your site not allowing other sites to read your blog, so if you’re trying to let Linky Tools pull images from your URL then it can’t. However, I was able to create an image using my computer’s screengrab feature of your profile picture and used the option ‘from file’ to upload the image to go with your URL. Next week, if you have the same issues then you might want to try this little trick! 😉

    2. Liz,

      I can relate to long comments getting eaten. If it happens with me, it’s usually Blogger doing the snacking on my words. lol Anytime I experience a problem with one site then I expect the same with another, so I try to remember to copy & paste before I submit. That saves a lot of frustration. Thanks for visiting, darlin’!

  6. I don’t know how many times I traveled Alcoa Highway over the years, but it’s been a lot. Now with the Pellissippi Parkway and and other ways to access Maryville I haven’t been on Alcoa Highway that often. And now with more infrequent trips to TN I guess I might not be on those roads much anymore. Sad.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Pellissippi Parkway makes it a lot easier to get from Alcoa to west Knoxville or Oak Ridge but I hate to travel it. The drivers on that stretch of highway are crazier than the ones on Alcoa Highway. I don’t know if you experienced that back in your day of living here. I imagine things were better as most things were. People absolutely drive way too fast and are practically bumper to bumper the whole time. And then they wonder how it is that they can’t stop quick enough before driving their vehicle into the backseat of the car in front of them. Common sense and good judgment do not live in the brains of people like this, I tell you! I really hate traveling Alcoa Hwy and Pellissippi Pkwy because of the maniacs out there. Anywho, so happy that you found time to visit and I’m sorry that your trips to East Tennessee are becoming fewer. That is sad.

  7. Your Alcoa highway shot makes the sky look like it goes on forever.
    I love all your pinup girls. – Is it okay for me to say that??

    1. Alan,

      I guess it depends on who you ask but I like being called a girl so you won’t get any disapproval from this girl ever!

      Women who are offended by a girl looking or acting like girls are missing out on so much fun! It not only gives a girl great pleasure but all of society benefits. The world would be a better place if we had more girlie girls. Just between you and me I honestly believe there’s a little bit of a pinup girl in every woman. The problem is they don’t want to admit it. 😉

  8. My mind is just like that too. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I have only been on a plane a few times and never will again. Not worrying is good for you, but hard to do. Have a great weekend! XO

    1. Thanks for the return visit, Ellen! Yep not worrying is a tricky thing to not do. It’s definitely a work in progress which is a long process to take hold if ever. 🙂

  9. That really is a beautiful sky! We enjoyed your answers, the Dad used to fly around (on airplanes) a lot, but not any more, he said the process is way too painful.

    1. Brian,

      When I was younger I wanted to fly but then I wised up and fear kicked in. Nope, I don’t think flying is in my future! I’m keeping my paws close to the earth. 🙂

  10. Logged a lot of miles in an airplane, but no more. I’m keeping my feed on the ground. Air travel is not what it used to be. There are clods that can spoil a flight very quickly. Bless their hearts.

    Love all the funnies and now I’m hungry for pizza.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Honey. Big hug. ♥

  11. Seeing the Franklin Roosevelt quote – great minds, as hubbie and I visited Roosevelt’s home as part of our vacation (returning home today). I had to look up where the Alcoa highway was and found out quite a bit. I haven’t been in Tennessee since 2006. Need to change that. Welcoming you to SkywatchFriday!

    1. Alana,

      Alcoa Highway is south of Knoxville. They call it the airport motor mile because of all the car dealerships along the road and yes, the Tyson McGhee Airport is also located there. Thanks for the welcome to SWF. I used to play along regularly but fell off in recent years due to the lack of time spent behind the lens. I hope this changes. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Friday, dear friend! I am pleased to report in and experience your photo, Sillies and Fill-ins.

    In your picture “Sunrise from Alcoa Highway,” the clouds seem to be racing across the sky to avoid being burned by the hot sun as it rises. That first meme is a great one because it describes the jumble in our heads as we go about our busy days, I am fascinated by your Fill-in answers. If I had my way, I would never fly either, and Mrs. S isn’t crazy about it either, but we do occasionally take trips by plane. Most of the time the flights themselves aren’t as bad as the long delays at the airport and the traffic jams on the highways as we try to get there. How true it is: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” In my opinion you have proven over and over again that you are able and willing to push through the fear barrier. You do it every time you press “publish” to send your posts out “live.” You do it every time you put your artwork on display for scrutiny. Look at the wonderful result, all the positive feedback you have received on your sketches and drawings. If you had not been willing to risk criticism you never would have been able to enjoy the overwhelmingly positive feedback you have received in recent years. Ask yourself this: If you can bravely put yourself out there to the extent you already have, what else can you do that you thought you couldn’t do?

    I enjoyed hearing for the first time Weird Al’s parody of “Achy Breaky Heart” and I swear I will never get tired of watching that GIF of the dancers on Top Of The Pops circa 1969-70.

    Thank you for the morning entertainment, dear friend Cathy. I hope you and your family are coping with your latest loss and I wish you and DH a safe and happy weekend!

    1. Tom,

      I’m generally open to someone’s objective criticism if it helps me to become better but you’re right it takes bravery to put oneself out there for others. I’ve been so fortunate to receive positive feedback. I don’t expect everyone to like what I do. To think any other way isn’t realistic. I’m okay with whatever comes my way because I will grow from the responses. Weird Al is always good for some smiles and certainly a good mood booster. He’s probably the best parody singer/songwriter that I can think of in recent history. He’s a lot of fun!

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