
15-03-2025 Vol 19

A Sunbathing Mermaid at Sunset

This is day 14 of the A to Z Challenge.   It was fun to reinvent my original mermaid illustration.  I hope you’re as pleased as I am with how the recreation looks in the below image comparison.

Dabbling further with Procreate, I created a painting-like illustration maneuvering the apps adjustment settings by decreasing the brightness and introducing noise. 

In 2017 after drawing my sunbathing mermaids, I knew I wanted to try sketching The Little Mermaid Disney characters and I did in 2019. 

That’s it for today.  I hope you like my music choice, “Swimming Home” by Evanescence.  It’s time to head over to the A2Z headquarters.  Thanks for including me in your day. This is CAAC signing off, I’ll be back tomorrow with the next letter in the alphabet! 


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11 thoughts on “A Sunbathing Mermaid at Sunset

  1. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Friday and M-Day, dear friend!

    I should have guessed that “M” would stand for mermaid, and that you would bring back one of your mermaid scenes In Living Color. The transformation of your pencil sketch of “A Sunbathing Mermaid at Sunset” into a color painting is remarkable. The result is pure magic. I can’t help wondering what those sirens are discussing as they bask. Perhaps they are conspiring to sing sweet songs to the sailors aboard that ship, hoping to lure them into running their vessel aground on that boulder jutting from the sea behind them. I like the purple color of the dolphin, the golden sun setting at the horizon and the addition of that sailing ship. It’s just a wonderful, colorful composition, Cathy!

    I also enjoyed the related song of the day by Amy Lee. I read an interview in which she explains that “Swimming Home” is a very different kind of Evanescence song “with an atmosphere of sounds from another world.” Amy calls the song “one of the successes where I broke the rules and made something really great that I just loved all the more for being different.”

    Thank you very much for the morning mewsic and the opportunity to gaze at another awesome work of art created by your mind and hand. Have a super Friday, dear friend Cathy. I’ll see you tomorrow on N-Day!

    1. Tom,

      The early bird as usual. Thanks for dropping by to view my new revised Sunbathing Mermaids at Sunset. I think those two are talking about which merboy has captured her eye and is unaware of the passing ship. It’s a good thing or no doubt their siren would be the end of those sailors. Lucky fellas!

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