I’m running late…again. Phew, it’s so hard to get back into the groove of blogging. There just doesn’t seem to be much rattling around in my brains these days creatively speaking other than loose marbles, but that’s okay. It’s Tuesday anyhow and you know what that means, right? It’s time for randomness. That’s something I’m not only comfortable with, but pretty good at it because that’s the direction in which my thought process naturally flows.
This Thursday, I will be 6-weeks post-op and I am recovering quite well. I can do most things reasonably well. Bouncing or running activities not so much, but walking is great! My lower back tires a bit, if I’m standing too long. I guess this is where my abs need strengthening. Did I tell you my muscles (all over) seriously depleted while I was so sick? While I can’t do resistance training yet, I am going to begin riding my stationary bike today for 30-minutes. I’ll begin weight training next month.
We are still in a bit of celebratory mood with my continued health progress and that I am home. It is such a pleasure to be able to do many of the things I took for granted like walking or house chores again. Deep cleaning projects are slowly getting done, but I’m not complaining one bit when I’m locked into a job up to my eyeballs. It feel great to do the work!
I missed blogging while I was recouping in June. I wasn’t able to share with you what was going on, but I can share a little now with you.
Last month was our 34th anniversary and I was in the hospital. We vowed once I was out, we would do something fun. DH didn’t disappoint me, either. He got take out from Chuy’s Tex-Mex restaurant per my request for our celebration to enjoy in the comfort of our living room. It wasn’t fancy, but just what we needed after a difficult 3-weeks before our anniversary. We loved it!
I just have to tell you something DH did for me. He was more thrilled to have me home even more than me if you can imagine that. Hospitals. Are. Not. Fun. To show just how thrilled DH was, he did something darn incredible, which took me totally by surprise. His statement of how much he missed me also encompasses his deep affections and appreciations he feels for me not only while I was in the hospital, but always. This is what DH gave me …

a one of a kind necklace that he designed!
Little did I know the first time I was in the hospital in May the wheels inside his head began to turn (I wonder why I didn’t hear them squeak?) thinking of ways to express himself. The process of hunting for something that said “special” to him for me was not easy. None of the jewelry stores had nothing he wanted, but he knew what he wanted and that’s when he began to work with a local jeweler who did custom work. Around the time I discharged from the hospital last month, he put a pencil to paper and came up with a design. He talked thoroughly with the jeweler to make sure the integrity of his design would be solid. Each stone placement he took seriously making sure to get the exact order that most complimented the sapphires (2nd from top) and garnet, and to the necklace, and to me. His thoughtfulness and devotion in giving me something, which required so much of himself is very precious to me and will always be treasured. I think he’s truly a gem worth keeping!
Clearly I am very much like my old self again. That being said, allow me to jump into the conversation Patrice has going on her farmhouse porch chat today.
Have you cooked any interesting dishes lately? Nope, but I am finally into cooking again. Last Friday, I pan seared some sirloin steaks and finished them up in the oven. Yum, were they ever tasty, too!
What question would you like to ask Wendell? How do horses sleep standing up?
Have you had any thoughts of Christmas yet? Actually, I have. More specifically, I have thought about Christmas cards since I like to hand stamp mine. Oh I don’t do too many, but I always send home-made ones to family and close friends. This gives me a lot of joy to do.
Do you make jams and jellies? No. I have never done this, but thought often times how much fun it might be to at least be apart of the process of making it with someone who knows how.
Do you have any board games that you enjoy? Amongst the many board games we have, my favorites are Aggravation & Backgammon.
Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies at Stacy Uncorked!
Have a terrific Tuesday!
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