
13-03-2025 Vol 19

A barn along the North Carolina countryside photo recreation using Brushstrokes

Hello and thank you for visiting today!  Before I share my responses to Joyce’s Q&A I thought perhaps a little music would be nice.  For week 12 Mary from JingleJangleJungle Weekly Song Challenge prompts are A Toy, A Month, & A Boat or Boating. 

My brain is full of slugg this week so I needed help with my song picks.  Browsing DuckGo hits for each prompt, I began sampling song possibilities on YouTube.  I entered Rag Doll expecting Franki Valli & the Four Seasons instantly, scrolling down the list an  unexpected band caught my eye.  I thought, did they cover Valli’s tune?  No, it’s a totally different song and one I remember quite well Aerosmith “Rag Doll” (1987).  I don’t think I knew the name and certainly have trouble understanding Steven’s enunciation of ‘Rag Doll’.  There are a number of song titles with a ‘month’ in the name.  With April almost here, I noticed Deep Purple has a song simply called “April” (1969).  I love their hit, “Smoke On The Water”, intrigued I gave it a listen and really liked it.   Do you remember it?  My third pick is an introduction as well from the hot 80s band, Duran Duran, “Night Boat” (1981).


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Here’s my responses to this week’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions.

1. “Hope springs eternal”…discuss. Although I know in this life there will never be true peace but this is my “hope springs eternal’ wish.  The closest we can ever hope for is if people move closer to God with changed hearts and minds then we’ll might see a huge decline in much of the social troubles of this world. 

2. Last time you needed to ‘spring into action’ or ‘spring to someone’s defense’…explain.  A couple of weeks ago I had to spring into action with the decision to take part in next month’s A to Z Challenge.  This will keep me on my toes probably until the end of May. 

3. Tulips or daffodils? baby birds or baby bunnies? The cherry tree or the dogwood tree? Jelly beans or peeps? March madness or spring training? Peas or carrots?  Yellow daffodils, baby bunnies, dogwood trees, peeps, neither March madness or spring training and finally carrots.

4. I read an article here on the South’s best cities on the rise. They are-Baton Rouge Louisiana, Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Norfolk Virginia, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. Of the cities listed how many have you seen in person? Which one on the list would you most like to see? Have you spent much time in the southern states (USA)? Any spring road trips on your calendar?  Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. 

5. Tell us how your outdoor space needs sprucing up this spring? Which do you enjoy more (or hate the least-ha!) yard work or house work? At the moment our yard is bad need of mowing.  That would be a hug spruce up!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Yesterday, I made a solid milk chocolate Easter bunny for our LA using a candy mold I found online and Ghirardelli milk chocolate melting wafers.  After I get it wrapped properly for presentation I will share it with you.  I have plans to make some sort of flavored cream filled chocolate eggs for our the big kids.  Maybe next week I can reveal what I came up with to send out for Easter. 😉

Originally, I shared a similar picture in 2013 to this Brushstrokes app recreation. I wish I could remember how to get back to this spot.

 That’s all for now.  I’ll be back tomorrow for Rain’s art date and I hope you’ll join me.  Stay safe, be well, and have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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16 thoughts on “A barn along the North Carolina countryside photo recreation using Brushstrokes

  1. Great song and I want one of those bunnies. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.

  2. Wonderful song choices and I feel so psychedelic at the moment…even the top I am wearing has this vibe. I have only been to Florida and that was back in 1987. I wouldn’t mind checking out a couple of places but that will not be for a while yet. I think that is very special that you made the chocolate bunny and the Easter eggs. Yummy! We need hope…especially now when the news and other media, films etc… can be so negative. We must have hope and faith in people and in ourselves and enjoy every moment. I am a Credit Counsellor so, I guess, I come to someone’s defense many times without knowing this by educating people about their rights especially when dealing with horrible collection agencies. Nothing is taught in school and many people have no idea they have rights and believe me, people have tried suicide over these nasty people collecting on debt. I love daffodils and bunnies, carrots and the cherry tree. I prefer chocolate over jelly beans or peeps:) I don’t even know what March Madness is:).

  3. I liked your thoughts on hope. And I look forward to seeing your homemade bunny. That’s impressive! My mom made me and all my roomates/friends buttercream eggs with our names on them one year when I was in university. They were a huge hit!

  4. Deep Purple’s “April” is one of my favorite rock/classical compositions from what is my favorite album by the group. The classical portion of this song is divine. Great pick!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  5. Good tunes and I love that barn! Forget the roadtrip though, we are in Greenville, SC and it’s getting quite crowded here.

  6. Love the video. A toe tapper.

    Love your Q&A. You make chocolate Easter bunnies? When is mine going to show up? Yummy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. I am impressed that you made a solid chocolate bunny. I can’t wait to see it. I am with you on neither March Madness or Spring Training. Thanks for hosting. Have a great day. XO

  8. Excellent choices! We both went with Rag Doll by Aerosmith, but different videos. Thanks for playing along. I’m offline for a few hours while the good doc takes a look at things internally.

    1. Mary,

      Thanks for dropping by so early this morning. I hope things go well at your doctor appointment. I just came from your place. I love your song picks this week and as I commented at your place I nearly went with all three of your selections. That would’ve been incredible had I done that, huh? Have a good day, darlin’!

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