Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! Wasn’t it just yesterday the calendar flipped over? Wow, we’re at the end of another month. Who’d like to scream, “SLOW DOWN NELLIE”? That’s me, I want time to just slow down a bit so I can catch my breath. It’s a good thing I’m not asthmatic or I’d be reaching for my inhaler often. This is the last Monday of the month, so let’s get our groove on for today’s theme song titles that mention beverages.

I went back to Songfacts for song suggestions, I could’ve gone with that, you know boogieing with a hot cup of coffee in hand and if you’re not then you might want to set yours down before pressing play on my COFFEE TUNES playlist.
- Another Cup of coffee Mike & The Mechanics
- Black Coffee All Saints
- Two Beds and a Coffee Machine Savage Garden
- Coffee Miguel
- Black Coffee In Bed Squeeze
- Coffee and TV Blur
- Two Cups of Coffee Josh Kelley
- One More Cup of Coffee The White Stripes
I’m not sure any of these songs I’ve heard before now but I really enjoyed the material I came up with for today. Are these new-to-you, too? Are you a coffee or tea kind of person? How do you take your coffee with sugar, cream, or black?
MEWS FLASH….I spoke with Marie (aka XmasDolly) on Thursday straight from her hospital bed. She sounded fabulous reporting the doctors’ said she’s doing marvelous! If things didn’t change and by my calculations, she was moved from the hospital to therapy over the weekend. She expected to be there for at least a week. Keep those prayers going for our gal!
Please join my fellow co-hosts: Marie (you better not be up dancing with the nurses, girl), Stacy, Alana, Colette (taking semi-blog hiatus due to eye issues), and this month’s honorary co-host Mary from Jingle, Jangle, Jungle on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.
[tweetthis]I’m boogieing to “Beverage Song Titles” with the #MondaysMusicMovesMe gang. Come hit the dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]
Before I leave, let me give you the heads up on which artist won the ‘Do Ya Think I’m Sexy’ BoTB showdown. The overall majority, including me (9-4 tally) preferred the jazzy cover by Cassandra Beck!
Thanks, Mary for being an outstanding co-host this month. You came up with two interesting themes for August! Let’s keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.

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Hey, Cathy. Thanks for the follow on BrewNSpew. I sent you an invite on LinkedIn.
Thanks for the invite. I didn’t get a notification so I went over this morning and accepted.
Thank you!
Hi Cathy! Happy Sunday evening before Labor Day Monday! Sorry it has taken me a whole week to get over here. It’s been a wild week and this weekend has been crazy with 12 dogs here. Most of the boarders will be going home tomorrow evening but I barely had time to check email let alone blog hop so I’m taking advantage of some quiet time now while the dogs are all sacked out to get back to making my rounds. I was actually here earlier in the week but got called away from the computer and just now got back to it.
I LOVE your Coffee playlist! It’s AWESOME! Listening to it now. I heard some of it when I was here earlier in the week. You found some real gems here. Loved the Mike & the Mechanics song. Totally new to me is “Black Coffee” by All Saints. Both the song and the band are new to me. I totally dig Black Coffee and I’m sure I’d really like All Saints if the rest of their music is as good as this song. I’ll have to check them out.
I used Squeeze’s “Black Coffee in Bed” too. That’s a good song.
Josh Kelly’s “Two Cups of Coffee” was really good and is one of my favorites here from you playlist. My other favs are “Another Cup of Coffee” by Mike and the Mechanics and the All Saints song I mentioned earlier.
I have to ask about “Coffee and TV” by Blur: that was one of the strangest videos I’ve ever seen. That milk carton was, um, different?? It was definitely intriguing and I was captivated by it and trying to follow it and figure out the story. I still haven’t though. What is the song about?? I get that there’s something to do with the Missing photo on the milk carton but beyond that, I’m lost. It’s a cool song but I sure wish I understood the video. The milk carton turning into an angel at the end and being reunited with the strawberry milk carton that got crushed earlier was interesting. but yeah, still don’t get it. haha
(Side note regarding the Missing Children photos on milk cartons: back when I lived in DC, I took my milk carton out of the fridge to pour a glass and caught a glimpse of the photos and one of them jumped out at me; here it was the photo, name and info of a boy who was kidnapped in my neighborhood when I was young. I think he was 5 or 6 at the time and was playing in his front yard and all of the sudden he was gone. Someone took him and he was never found. The family was devastated. It was crazy seeing his photo on the milk carton all those years later. Isn’t that awful, to actually know the family of a missing child on a milk carton? They don’t do those Missing pics on milk cartons anymore, do they? I only buy lactose free milk so never really see the regular milk cartons…
As for my taste: I;m not much of a coffee or tea drinker really. But I do like both. Once in a while, I enjoy some fabulous coffees that I make in my French press. I usually prefer eithe the flavored coffees or I use the flavored creams. My ex was a coffee purist: he drank it super strong and black. He always ragged on me about my “foo-foo” coffees.
I also get on tea kicks and I like the flavored ones too. Sometimes I add a touch of cream to the tea but usually I just add local honey. I feel a tea kick coming on because one of my customers just brought me back some honey from where they vacationed in colorado.
Well, I’m on the second round of your playlist Cathy. I really like it! It’s fun to hear so many new-to-me songs, especially when I like most of them. Very enjoyable playlist. Interestingly “Coffee and TV” is playing again… haha. We gotta figure this video out!!
I’m not doing tomorrow’s 4M post. I have to get caught up after being bogged down this week. But I’ll definitely be back for next Monday’s themed post. Keep us posted on your ears. Hopefully the muffled sounds have gone away and your hearing is getting back to normal. And thanks for the update on Marie. You both remain in my prayers. Colette too…
Have a good week,
Michele at Angels Bark
SLOW DOWN NELLIE!! (heh!) Yep, time is flying by waaaaaaaay too fast for my peace of mind.
I’m loving all your coffee songs, as I sit here sipping on my second cuppa.
Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, Cathy! Thanks for holding down the fort! 
I’m a coffee fan and the stronger the better. I’ve not heard of any of these songs but I love getting to know about new mewsic. On my way to my next cup!!
I can’t imagine anyone not being a fan of coffee but I have come across a few who aren’t lovers of that morning black gold!
I slept in today. My tummy is the culprit riddling my body with inflammation. I’m doing better. At least it’s not keeping me from my coffee. 
Oh, I hope you feel better! Yes, I found not everyone is a coffee fan and many prefer tea instead. Sending lots of hugs. xoxoxo
It’s hard to believe there is anyone that isn’t a coffee fan but then it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. lol
Glad your friend is doing well and I am certain she will get better every day. I don’t drink coffee or tea ( I want to end with, “me” an old TV movie starring Karen Valentine). My drink is combining Orange juice with soda water..I would die if I couldn’t drink that.
I love orange juice but never had it with soda water. In fact, I don’t know if I ever had soda water. Does it give the OJ a burst of fizzle carbination? Although I can start my day without coffee (not by choice but because I have to because of a medical procedure, etc), I really don’t like missing my morning brew. At times like that I always look forward to the next day just so I can have my morning coffee.
However, there was a time in our early marriage that my preferred morning fix was icy cold Pepsi. I don’t remember that but DH swears it’s true. lol
Getting to the coffee is a priority in the mornings, it shouldn’t surprise me that there are so many coffee songs.
Looking for the good in everyone and everything usually means you will find it.
One’s morning coffee just seems to make everything a little better, doesn’t it? Heck, it might be just what we all need to see the good in everyone/everything.
I almost went with a “Coffee, Tea, or Me” theme today, but at last minute went for the harder stuff
Glad you were able to pick up the slack and run with the coffee drinks. It’s early afternoon, but I’m thinking I may need to make up some crappuccino (that’s what we call it here – but I think it’s wonderfully delicious!)
I figured everyone would use wine, whiskey, or beer songs which are abundantly popular. Although there are some coffee songs out there but not near as many as I had hoped. You gave us an pAwesome theme to work with this week, dearie. Way-to-go!
Glad you spoke with her and she’s doing good!
That’s a lot of coffee songs. I remember the one by Squeeze.
I went with whiskey today…
Well, you can always pour your whiskey in coffee for that two-for-one punch that you might need when things are really rough. lol
Coffee for me, please!
(Check out my song parody ode to coffee.) I need it first thing in the morning to wake up, but that’s usually it for the day. Most of these were new to me, except the White Stripes song, which is a favourite. Sound Garden was nice, too. Yay for Cassandra winning the BOTB! Here’s hoping your ear surgery went well and also your daughter’s baby shower. Have a good week!
Thanks for the link to your song parody. I will skip off in a sec to check it out. Yes, my ear surgery went well. I saw the doctor Monday for my post-op follow up. He was pleased with how my ears looked, especially my right one since the eardrum was pushed toward the inner ear the most. That stuffy feeling, no doubt from my eardrums being pushed into my Eustachian Tubes, is gone. But, my hearing remains muffled perhaps more so than before the surgery. I reckon that’s due to the trauma and I hope it will improve some in the coming weeks. The doctor did say due to the moderate hearing loss that I might need to think about hearing aids at some point. That really bugs me out because I see that as an ‘old person’ thing but I know even youngsters need hearing devices sometimes. This is going to be a hard decision for me when I get to that point. Hearing better would be nice but the unsightly devices….I mean, I just won’t have anything in my closet that goes with hearing aids.
I hoipe the muffled hearing clears up for you on it’s own, Cathy. If not, hearing aids are almost invisible these days. Thanks for checking out “Cup of Coffee”.
You did a great job on your “Cup of Coffee” parody. Bravo! I hope medical technology improves so much so that they discover a way to repair damaged hearing permanently. That would be so pAwesome!
awwwsome post! Have a great week!
Thanks for boogieing with me Kathe! So, glad you were able to make it this week.
Love all the kitties. Of course I do.
Love the Cassandra Beck video. Wow.
How is Marie doing? I know you two are close.
Have a purrfect Awww Monday. Big hugs. ♥
Kitties are sweet and adorable, aren’t they? Cassandra has an amazing jazzy voice. I haven’t spoken to Marie since last week but occasionally she’ll pop in on me at Facebook. I know she was dealing with some pain in her leg at the end of last week. I’d imagine there will be some pain associated with the surgery but the leg? I’m not sure what’s with that but hopefully, they figured that out. I just now double checked Facebook. Her daughter shared an update on Monday. Marie is still in the hospital. The doctors are monitoring her because of some issues with her heart during and after surgery. She mentioned that Marie’s back feels better but has sharp pains in her leg. For now, it looks like the therapy hospital is on hold until these things are resolved. Keep those prayers going!
Thanks for the update. I was worried as you were. I hope these issues get resolved and soon. ♥
Me, too! I know God holds Marie in His hands and know all things will come together. I know she appreciates knowing she has friends in Blogosphere who cares.
I take my coffee black, no sugar. Decaf, thanks to high blood pressure that led to a stroke but that’s well-controlled now.
Great playlist!
We drink decaf sometimes at night so to not interrupt our sleep. It’s not nearly as bad as I first thought but I definitely insist on regular coffee in the mornings.
Great post ~ photos and captions and lovely music ~ ^_^
Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
So glad you could visit me on the dance floor!
Wow, these are a ton of coffee songs! Lovely.
There are a number of coffee songs floating around. I wish there were more, though. Thanks for the boogie!
I did pick the Savage Garden song. Great minds think alike. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Monday.
Yep, great minds think alike!
It’s fabulous having you on the dance floor, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!
Good job finding coffee songs, I looked and couldn’t find any. That is my favorite beverage
Nice spark. Good to read that Marie is doing well. Thanks for hosting, I hope you have a great week! XO
I do like my morning coffee, but I don’t drink as much coffee as I used to. I sometimes drink tea when I’m not feeling well or if I’m just wanting it for some reason. Hot tea that is–I drink a good bit of iced tea when I eat out.
You covered some artists that are new to me. Squeeze used to be a big favorite of mine, but I haven’t listened to any of their stuff in years. They have some great albums out.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I like hot tea and often drink one cup at the start of the day followed up with two or three cups of coffee. I’m having a rough day, so I might have to drink more coffee than usual.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy mewsical Monday to you, dear friend!
I agree that the months are zooming by faster than ever. It is soon time for your A to Z theme reveal.
I always have to laugh when I see a kitten in a box. It amazes me how much fun a kitty can have with an empty cardboard carton.
I am excited about today’s beverage song theme. It was fun listening as I sipped my cuppa Honduran organic. I remember Mike and the Mechanics. Their videos played on the MTV station where I worked, but I don’t remember “Another Cup Of Coffee” or this video. I discovered the UK girl group All Saints a few years ago but have not yet found time to present them on my blog. “Black Coffee” is new to my ears and it is my kind of song because I love girl groups and always take my coffee black, and yes, I prefer hot coffee over hot tea. I never heard of Savage Garden. With a name like theirs I was expecting a heavy metal band, but I read that the act is an Australian pop duo that has been together since 1993. LA based singer and songwriter Miguel is also new to me. I enjoyed his “Coffee” song and video. I learned that Squeeze is a UK New Wave band that has been together nearly 45 years. “Black Coffee in Bed” is the lead single from their 1982 album Sweets from a Stranger and was also released on the 1982 compilation Singles – 45’s and Under. Blur is another English band, this one in the alternative rock category, that has been performing for thirty years. This is my first exposure to them as well. I must be a country boy at heart, because I think my favorite beverage song in this batch is pop/blues/country singer Josh Kelley of Georgia doing “Two Cups of Coffee.”
So many new to my ears songs this morning, Cathy! I got an education. I am also happy to know that XmasDolly is on the road to recovery. Thanks for reporting the result of your band battle. I’m pretty sure I voted for Cassandra but I don’t want to check at this moment for fear of losing my comment.
Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!
Well, I’m rather pleased that it’s me introducing you to all new songs this time.
Of course, they were new-to-me, too.
You gave your vote to Denise LaSalle but if you’re thinking you gave it to Cassandra then perhaps you were pulled between the two and that’s why you’re thinking you gave it to her. Both women did a great job covering Rod’s song and both are winners in my book.
Thanks for sharing a cup of coffee with me and a dance this morning, my friend!
Thank you for sharing the news about Marie! Interesting coffee songs – I had not heard any of them before this them; I ran across the Mike and the Mechanics song for my post; all these were otherwise new to me. The most poignant was Two Beds and a Coffee Machine. I didn’t know whether to laugh or turn away from the Miguel video – I didn’t need coffee after that one! Hoping for a good week for everyone. Now it’s time for my coffee!
All too often I listen to the mewsic and don’t watch the videos. Miguel’s ‘Coffee’ is an example of me not watching the vid. lol I got a message Marie yesterday and didn’t have time to put it in my post but she did mention having mega pain in one of her legs. I hope the doctor adjust her meds accordingly. After back surgery, I don’t know what’s normal to expect but I imagine it can’t be lots of fun. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my friend.