Thanks for joining in today. If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu. ☞ ☞ ☞
Today’s letter ‘N’ prompt, I used a character from the animated TV show, Neptune.

Who is Neptune? Not knowing anything about the animated TV program I learned this character made only one episode appearance as a memory flashback from King Triton youth. Neptune is Triton’s grandfather. In my drawing based on the Fandom gallery photo, you’ll see the family resemblance between the Neptune and the future Sea King when he was just a merboy.
Earlier in this series, I sketched King Triton and from attempting that illustration helped me to develop from sight this picture.
[tweetthis]ICelebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. N is for NEPTUNE. #pencildrawing #illustrations[/tweetthis]
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you. You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! XX
, Cathy
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Nice one!
Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: More great music and lyrics
Neptune was a fun illustration to create. Having done King Triton earlier in the challenge made this sketch easier.
From the expression on his little face Triton clearly loves being with his grandfather!
My A-Z of Children’s Stories
Grandkids adore their grandparents! My little granddaughter is still a wee one but when I see her, her little face lights up and fills my heart. There’s nothing like it in the word, other than the same look I saw in my own children.
I lost track of your blog and found it again via your comment on Keith’s Ramblings. Added back to my blog reader list!
DB McNicol, author
A to Z Microfiction: Night
So you’re blog buds with Keith. That’s cool. I’ve touched base with Keith on and off over the years of participating in the A2Z Challenge. I’m surprised I haven’t stumbled upon you. Anyhow, I’m glad you came by today.
Well done, Cathy!
After more than 300 comments on my site, you’d think WP wouldn’t throw you into my spam folder but it does nearly every time. Why is that, do you have any clue? Thanks for visiting, dearie!
I don’t know, Cathy! It seems to go thru phases on my end. I’ll see what I can find out!
Surprisingly, this comment did not go into my spam folder. Did you do something different or is it just good fortune?
No, there are settings for spam in WordPress, however, sometimes it seems stuff goes in there for no reason. Happy Easter!
Hi Cathy,
I did not know about Neptune who happens to be Triton’s grandfather! When I first looked at your sketch I thought it is King Triton himself but then you explained in your post about resemblance of grandson with his grandfather. Nice work!
find my N post here –
Neptune does bear a strong resemblance to my earlier sketch of Triton. It was from that drawing experience that aided me greatly to getting Neptune sketched. I’m delighted that this is coming across to others like you.
Nice sketch!
Thank you, Duncan!
Excellent job here! You show the young Triton’s excitement at being with his grandfather quite well.
The love between a grandparent and grandchild is special. I’m glad you picked up on that in their faces.
That came out great.
Never knew there was a Neptune TV show, but there are so many things that have been on TV over the years that it’s hard to keep track. I doubt that I would have watched it anyway.
It’s a happy looking drawing.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands
I like your Neptune. Although he was Triton’s father, not his grandfather. I am not familiar with the Disney versions, so maybe they changed his genealogy! Neptune is the same god as Poseidon. Roman was Neptune, Greek Poseidon.
Being is father doesn’t take away from your artwork, it’s still a cute father/son on a walk together! Although, it might have been easier for them to swim!
You got it girl! You’re right on the money! Totally awesome. I wish I had the patience. Now would you consider your drawing like a ….. oh what’s the word I’m looking for… ummmmmmm Oh I know, like not only a gift, but a hobby??? because girl if it is…. you better trade that into a trade and make you some monies!!!! Big Hugs and I cannot wait for tomorrow’s wonderful pic… Hmmmm I wonder if you could draw a picture of Notredame Cahedral. What a fantastic picture that would be and when you do I want a copy for sure!!!! BIG HUGS
i am learning …when coming here – Neptune is cool. Like the sketch. Some day I will watch the Little Mermaid.
One of the great things about the A to Z is the diversity of subjects that people cover. I always try to do something a slightly odd because I am a bit rebellious, but only a bit so I do at least stick to doing the right letter on the right day. If I do get that wrong its entirely accidental bur so far so good. Neptune is an interesting character I dont think I have ever drawn him but I think I may have mentioned him in a previous A to Z .
Many thanks for visiting my blog it was very kind of you. I always try to get back to folk but I am also quite busy this year so I am struggling getting to new blogs in the A to Z.
I hope this link works I use it in Blogger as my image will take you off to my WordPress Blog and some of my rather bad poetry . . . . I love writing bad poetry
Rob Z Tobor
Beautiful drawing, Neptune looks strong and powerfull, yet awesome
Cute little merchild 
Neptune is the brother of Zeus who was given the seas to rule while Hades was given the underworld. I always had a thing for Neptune:) your drawing is very good especially the hand holding which is tough to do, The little Merboy is also well done now off to catch up:)
Very nice job on the merman and merchild. Not sure I ever saw a merchild before
Cute! I definitely see the resemblance.
What a great job you did on this. I’m having fun reacquainting myself with all the characters of The Little Mermaid. You rock, Cathy.
Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥
No, no – you rock, my friend! Thanks for joining!
That’s a mighty cool flipper duo!
Thanks, Brian!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Tuesday and “N” day, dear friend!
This is an excellent drawing of Neptune and his grandson Triton, future King of the Sea in The Little Mermaid. Neptune does indeed resemble Triton as an adult. I see strength in his mighty arms and wisdom in his eyes. I read that in Roman mythology, Neptune was first associated with freshwater springs. Only later did he become known as god of the sea. Poseidon is his counterpart in Greek mythology.
Wonderful job, dear friend Cathy. I hope you are having a fantastic week. See you tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing these kNowledgeable Nuggets about Neptune. I Never took Mythology so I kNow very little on the subject. Thanks for visiting, dear friend!