
16-03-2025 Vol 19

2019 The Little Mermaid #Artsketch Series ‘Grimsby’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today.  If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

In keeping with the original animated movie, I had two choices for today’s alpha-prompt ‘G’ either Glut the shark that chased Ariel and Flounder through the sea or Eric’s trusty manservant, Grimsby.  I went with the later.

Grimsby’s role appears to be one of advisory to the young Prince, as well as managing his time appointments, wedding coordinator, …  The stiff neck manservant appears in the two animated films but only one TV episode.  I found it interesting the same voice-over actor also was 101 Dalmations’ Roger Radcliffe, Ben Wright.  Sadly, this was Wright’s last purrformance, as he died (July 1989) from congestive heart failure.  

Offering two images for display one with and one without color is time-consuming.  For right now, I’m going to have to stay on course to complete all drawings in pencil.   It’s not that I don’t want to share a more ‘finished design’ because I really do. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy applying color to my illustrations.  With that in mind, what I hope to do is at some point this month is to add the color fill illustrations to these posts. When I do, I will slip a reminder to you to notifying you to check it out.  😉 How does that sound? 

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. G is for Grimsby. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy






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52 thoughts on “2019 The Little Mermaid #Artsketch Series ‘Grimsby’ #AtoZChallenge

  1. Never knew his name… Great sketch!

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Grr…

    1. Ronel,

      I had forgotten Grimsby name. Doing the leg work for this series refreshed my memory or helped me to identify character names that I had to clue on. 🙂

  2. Just catching uup with my blog-hopping – love your take on the Little Mermaid (which I missed out on). Thanks for visiting my post on the A to Z G spot – oops! Hope the rest of the month goes well for you.

  3. Very interesting to read and also a really good sketch!! I hope you do color it in one of these days.

    1. Sandy,

      You will see colorized versions of my artwork but it will need to wait until next month. Of course, if I get any done before I will happily share them here.

    1. Jackie,

      I can’t imagine Grimsby being naughty. I think he’s to proper for misbehaving but toward the end of the movie his purrsonality lightens up a bit.

  4. Okay, I’m sorry, but I cannot find your songs… and I know they’re here somewhere!!!! I know you and how you are… okay what did you do with them… did you sweep them under the carpet. hmmmmm it’s not Easter yet… I’m not on a song hunt am I???? ~hehehe~

    1. Darlin’ Marie,

      My 4M posts are on Sundays now. You’ll find a list of my last 14 posts in my side menu under LATEST MEWS. Do you see the list? I’m trying to figure out a way to configure this to stand out more to grab one’s attention but haven’t figured that out just yet but just so you’ll know you did stop off at the dance floor to boogie with me on Monday afternoon. 😉

  5. Oh my gosh, Cathy you are sooooooooooooooo on the money with this one for sure. Did you copy it out of a book or something or trace it? HOLY COW it’s sooooooooooooooooooooo perfect! I LOVE IT! HOLY COW, YOU GO GIRL! This is the best ever… wait I got to go see something! Oh, I thought he may be in color, but then again if he was he wouldn’t look so Grumpy! hahahahaha Have a great day girlfriend! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      Copying or tracing wouldn’t make it my own sketch, so nope it’s my own artwork. My Grimsby isn’t dead on the money for the real character but my attempt wasn’t too shabby if I have to say so myself. 😀

    1. Yes, the characters with a small role are not remembered. I enjoyed the discovery or rediscovery of some of these figures from the story. I’m glad you enjoyed my sketch!

  6. Good job! I like all the detail in his face. Have a great day! XO

  7. When I see one of the characters from a Disney cartoon, I always wonder “who was he (or she) based on?” Another good rendering!

    1. John,

      Learning a bit about these characters while I did my sketches was a fun extra. I would’ve not gone looking for this information had it not been for the A2Z challenge and my theme choice.

      1. That’s the good thing about the Challenge for me. I learn all kinds of new things. A lot of it might be trivia, but it nevertheless enriches my life…

  8. First class job on Grimsby. You have given him genuine character. Looking forward to seeing the drawings once you’ve colored them in.

  9. I’m having fun remember the characters of the Little Mermaid. A lot of fun.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Again I don’t know if the character but what I see is the perfect stiff upper lip manservant. . I think,again, it’s so fitting.

      1. Alana,

        The thing about my art sketches is you don’t have to know anything about the movies, TV show, or characters. All you have to do is look for images on Google to see whether or not my illustrations are a close match or not. I should have offered a link to the image I modeled my drawing from but in my absent-mindedness, I failed to give it and for that I’m sorry. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  10. I should watch this movie one day:). This is a great character that you captured..faces are never easy but you go him down ell especially since faces are hard to do.

    1. Birgit,

      Ahh, you’re making me blush! Thanks for the encouragement. I really want to capture the facial expressions just right but as you pointed out they are quite hard. I always admire those who do this with such ease.

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Monday and A to Z “G” day to you, dear friend!

    Unfamiliar with the film, the TV series and the character, I went to YouTube and listened to the voice of Grimsby in a scene from The Little Mermaid. Just as I suspected, English actor Ben Wright did not hide his British accent as he voiced the lovable manservant character. Your pencil drawing of Grimsby is superb, His proud pose and posture convey the impression that he enjoys being regarded as a source of wisdom and dispensing advice to Eric and others. “Stiff upper lip and all that rot.” 🙂 I look forward to seeing what Grimsby looks like in living color.

    Have a wonderful Monday and a great week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Grimsby is a rather stiff ole chap but with a good heart and wants the best for the young Prince. Thanks for taking the time to join me this morning, dear friend! Your support means the world to me!!

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