Thanks for joining in today. If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu. ☞ ☞ ☞
Today’s illustration, I used a step by step instructions to draw the Little Mermaid’s best friend, Flounder.

Flounder is both animated movies and the TV series. Unlike Ariel, Flounder isn’t a risk taker and rather shies away from uncharted territory. He tries to be the voice of reason for Ariel which often goes unheeded.
Offering two images for display one with and one without color is time-consuming. For right now, I’m going to have to stay on course to complete all drawings in pencil. It’s not that I don’t want to share a more ‘finished design’ because I really do. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy applying color to my illustrations. With that in mind, what I hope to do is at some point this month is to add the color fill illustrations to these posts. When I do, I will slip a reminder to you to notifying you to check it out. How does that sound?
[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. F is for FLOUNDER. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you. You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! XX
, Cathy
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I think his character is the one I remember the most from the movie. your flouder drawing looks rather good, though I can’t really recall what he looked like in the movie.
have a lovely day.
Great sketch! I remember Flounder more from the series than from the movies.
Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing:Fleeting Fancy
Flounder was in the first movie, especially in the beginning. That’s about all I remember. We had all of the old classics on VHS but when our daughters moved out, the youngest asked if she could have them. I wished we still had them because I’d love to rewatch this movie.
Hi Cathy,

I recall flounder’s character! This sketch brings a smile. Flounder is so sweet and sane
This for sure will look more vibrant when you fill in color.
Read my H post –
Flounder is totally adorable! The smile is ultimately luring don’t you think? hehehehe~ Okay, wait I’m on the wrong page today is G later girlfriend……………… HUGS
I love Flounder <3
Flounder is the smile and love the drawing of all the coral and seaweed. Looking forward to the coloured version.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to filling this one in with color.
I love fishies and Flounder is so COOL
Pawkisses for a wonderful Sunday

Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you like Flounder.
Definitely keep the challenge stress free! Your entries are fabulous with or without color!
I do want to keep the challenge stress free, so after much encouragement from others, I decided to just enjoy the ride and will share my colorized illustrations as I do them.
You didn’t flounder your flounder- great job
I tried to not flounder Flounder.
Aww what a cute fishie!
You’re not telling me a fish tale now, are you?
Cute drawing, but it looks nothing like the flounder I got in a restaurant last time I ordered it. Gosh! I don’t think I’ve eaten flounder in years.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I’m not much of fish eater. I use to like shrimp but I think I might be allergic to it because the last time I had it I got sick.
Hi Baby Girl, I just realized what I was doing wrong… I had the wrong letter. Today is “F”! aughhhhhhhhhhh I’m such a boob… going to fix mine in a sec… It’s a beautiful day and I want to go for a walk, but it seems my leg doesn’t want to go. The back of my thigh says.. FORGET ABOUT IT! Sooooooo I may try anyway as soon as I’m done here and go post my own! Love you girl thanks for the help and by the way I like Flounder the best in the movie along with Mr. Crab… oh I know that’s not his name, but it just escapes me for now. You did a great job in your pencil drawing… you always do. In color is just the frosting on the cake so to speak. Have a wonderful day and see you on Monday. Also, I think I’m going to keep my pics/videos separate… it’s getting confusing for me so I’m going to assume that it is for my guests!!! It is wonderful out! woo hoo
I’m sorry that your leg continues to bother you. I’ve got the alphabet out of order before, so don’t sweat it. Mr. Crab is Sebastian.
The colorize versions of my sketches will appear eventually but I’m not going to sweat it but to enjoy presenting them to you as I get them done. See ya soon!
What a friendly looking flounder! I was having fish for supper tonight but now I’ve changed my mind!
My A-Z of Children’s Stories
Sorry to spoil your dinner. I’m sure no offense would be taken by Flounder. Although I know he wouldn’t want to be anyone’s dinner, he very much knows that fish is human food.
Flounder is so cute!
Cute and chubby!
Your Flounder made me smile! He’s cute.
So happy to see…ah hear you smile.
I adore Flounder! Your sketch is so nice! I love the squiggly sea weeds . . . Under the sea
Jackie’s Bookbytes Letter F
You gotta have a little squiggly seaweed if you sketch under the sea illustrations from The Little Mermaid.
Love the sketch and love the tidbit about the character. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched Little Mermaid.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I’m glad you like!
That is so fishy fintastic!
Oh, cute! I like the word fintastic.
Hi, Cathy!
Your pencil drawings are a pleasure to behold, dear friend. If you have time to color them in, all the better, but they stand alone as fine achievements. I don’t think you need to self impose a deadline to color every sketch while the April Challenge is in progress. Won’t you be too busy? What would be wrong with coloring them at your leisure throughout the year and revealing them one by one in Scribble Picnic posts? I feel the need to pet little Flounder. Is there such a thing as petting a fish?
It’s because he is cute, plump and friendly looking. I can understand why he is Ariel’s best friend and adviser. Less evolved than The Little Mermaid, Flounder does not share her sense of adventure and instinctively warns her of the potential consequences of straying from the undersea world they call home.
Thank you for the smile to begin my weekend, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and your family a safe and happy one!
You’re right trying to color my drawings while this month’s challenge would keep me entirely too busy. I’m going to go at a pace that suits my days and if I time to share them in April I will and if not using my mid-week posting slot is a great time to feature my updates. Thanks for the no stress encouragement to completing my illustrations. Flounder is an adorably cute and sweet character. I’ll be by SPMM asap. Have a good weekend, my friend!
There’s a TV series? Amazing!
F is for Fast and Forsyth
Yep, there’s a tv series. That was new to me, too.