
19-03-2025 Vol 19

2019 The Little Mermaid #Artsketch Series ‘Carlotta’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today.  If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

Today, I’m sharing a sight drawing using the Disney Fandom gallery to draw inspiration in my creation of Carlotta.

pencil sketch

I like to think this is part of my forgetfulness but truly I don’t believe I knew this little lady’s name until now.  Carlotta is Prince Eric’s maid and a good friend.  When the Prince finds a speechless Ariel, he brings her to Carlotta who draws her a bath and makes sure the young girl is dressed properly. Carlotta appears again in the sequel, The Little Mermaid II Return to the Sea (2000), with a smaller part but we never saw that movie.

Not being entirely happy with my pencil drawing, I decided against using my Prismacolor pencils on that design and tried again using the Procreate app on my iPad making slight adjustments to the illustration. I loved pulling the colors together blending, shading, and creating a different backdrop for my character.  What do you think?


Procreate illustration

Perhaps I’ll find myself going back to the pencil sketch at some point to modify and fill in with my Prismacolors but that’ll have to wait for now. 😉 I noticed someone’s comments on the net that Carlotta’s wardrobe looks like Cinderella’s rags. That’s interesting how I never made that connection before now.  

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. C is for CARLOTTA. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy






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48 thoughts on “2019 The Little Mermaid #Artsketch Series ‘Carlotta’ #AtoZChallenge

  1. She looks like she’s saying “O-kay” to someone a little strange 🙂 I like what you did with the second illustration. As for her clothes: did you notice that more than one Disney character has worn the same item just in different colours? (Think the similarities between Belle and Cinderella’s outfits.)

    Ronel visiting from the A-Z Challenge with Music and Writing There’s Only One C…

    1. Ronel,

      You’re right about the clothing. I began thinking about this after I read the tidbit about Carlotta’s dress. Thanks for visiting!

  2. I love your sketches from the movie and also that you are doing some different characters like the Bishop and Carlotta as many people just draw Ariel. Pretty soon you’ll be drawing your own comic book!

    1. Kalpan,

      Thanks for visiting. Is this your first time? I hope you’ll come again. It’s nice getting feedback on my artwork efforts. Now to hop over to your place!

  3. Cathy, I feel like I’m actually watching the cartoon. I love the one that’s in color so much…. too ultimately cool!!! Have a wonderful evening! hugs! See you tomorrow!

    1. Thanks Mary! It seems most enjoy Carlotta in living color, as do I. I really enjoyed pulling the illustration together on my iPad through Procreate. That’s a neat app. I’m heading over to check out your mewsic.

  4. Who doesn’t love the name Carlotta! You are too hard on yourself because your drawing is quite good and the face is sweet looking and well done. I do love the changes you made but, I bet, if you come back to your drawing a month from now, you will like it just as much as I do.

    1. Birgit,

      Yep, I’m hard on my self but we all are. lol You’re also right I’ll like the original drawing better in a future glance back. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Jade,

      Thanks. It’s a lot of fun. I’d love to do a sketch a day every day all year long but haven’t been able to do that just yet.

  5. Nice job. That sky out the window is very well done. Not that Carlotta isn’t, I mean in particular, I appreciated the sky! The change in the mullions made a big difference.

    1. Lisa,

      I catch what you’re saying about the window and sky scene. I feel the same. That change made a colossal difference in the overall look of the picture.

  6. Most beautiful. You’re having a great time doing this and it shows. Awesome.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs and love. ♥

  7. Very nicely done. I used to draw cartoons as a kid. Mine were mostly hot rod related. A few years ago I did a few zentangles but I haven’t pursued that art from lately. I really like zentangles, I just haven’t picked up the pens in a while. I may start again when we get back from vacation. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Driller,

      I’ve not done any zentangles. Someone who participated in last year’s A2Z either mentioned this or shared some of his/her designs. It really fascinated me, too. Perhaps, one day I’ll give this art form a try. You ought to pick up your pen again. Doodling is great therapy in many ways.

    1. Hey Mireille,

      I hope you get this but I wanted you to know that I appreciated your visit and lovely comment. Also, I get the ugly 404 error, FAILED TO OPEN PAGE. I would love to do a return visit but since this doesn’t work and you do not have a web address associated with your gravatar profile then I don’t have a way to discover you. 🙁

      1. Hi Cathy! I like how you captured the sweet nature of Carlotta.
        I’m guilty for never knowing her name, although I remember her well for being the only motherly character in Prince Erik’s household.
        I’m wondering about the Carlotta-Cinderella connection: could it be an out-fashioned uniform? Color psychology, or a mere coincidence? 🤔

        1. According to the Fandom site I’ve used a lot for this project, Carlotta’s dress was originally green instead of the brownish-red. Why the change? I don’t know. That info wasn’t supplied. I bet it wasn’t a coincidence, though.

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “C” day, dear friend! I admire the transformation you achieved in the character Carlotta. In the initial sketch the backdrop was a little “busy” which distracted the viewer from gazing at the rotund maid. In the color portrait the squares are larger and one of them frames her face nicely. The swirl of gray and yellow colors in the background imply a mix of clouds and sunshine outside the windows. Her facial expression is excellent. She appears warm and friendly, ready to help, ready to serve.

    Your wonderful illustration makes me care-a-lotta ’bout Carlotta. Thanks for introducing her, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Thanks, Tom! I like the second illustration much better, too. I found that doing the pencil sketches help me to better see what I need to do through my digital illustrations. That’s so cute care-a-lotta ’bout Carlotta. You’re so clever!

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