I’m glad you decided to join me this morning and if you’re new or missed yesterday’s Little Mermaid art sketch then you’re welcome to take a quick peek.
Today’s character feature is from the 1989 Disney ‘The Little Mermaid’ animated movie, the Bishop. This little guy only appeared toward the end of the kiddie film as the wedding officiator for Prince Eric and Vanessa (the sea witch in disguise). I couldn’t find a drawing tutorial, so this is an illustration I did from sight using an image as my guide I found with Google’s help.

True, it’s not an exact copy but that’s okay, right? I’m learning as I go with lots more to learn. Later, I took the same design to create a color illustration using my iPad Procreate app.

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. B is for BISHOP. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. For my fellow A2Zers, please leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you. You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! XX
, Cathy
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Amazing! I love how you captured his expression.
Ronel visiting from the A-Z Challenge with Music and Writing Let’s Talk Boybands
Thanks, Ronel! I’m trying to capture the characters facial expressions the best I can. This is quite hard for me, too.
Ahh the Bishop – good job on this! Now I’m caught up.
your drawings are such fun!
Hey! Excellent sketch, Cathy! Don’t forget me when you become famous!
I don’t know the real Bishop, but this one sure is great
Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Day

PS we don’t know if my breadcrump has come through in the Ariel postie of yesterday, Granny couldn’t wait to see as she wanted to come here to the B
You mentioned leaving a breadcrumb…I double checked comments from Monday and did not see your direct web address with it but you did use your site address to sign in because I used it to boogie over to your place.
Thanks for joining me again! Pawkisses to you, too! 

Oh, Cathy, your Bishop is absolutely PERFECT! You’re really getting so much better at this then I ever could that’s for sure! Girlfriend, you need to start drawing for a company… like for greeting cards, children’s books, cartoons… really you need to put your talent to work for you! BIG HUGS and have a wonderful day! I really got to get this ABC thing working for me. Nobody knows I’m here!
Have a wonderful day!
There are far, far better artists out there than me. I say better because they’re able to capture their characters more consistent than I can at this point which is important especially if you’re illustrating for a children’s book. But…I sure do appreciate your encouragement and maybe someday I’ll put my pencil to good use like earning a little ka-ching, ka-ching
You have captured the essence of the character!
Bravo, me! clap hands Thanks, ole pal!! You know how to build up a gal’s confidence.
Nice coloring job on the Bishop and good texturing!
Hey, Jade!
Thanks! I noticed you commented twice but WP threw it into my Spam folder, sorry ’bout that, so I deleted one of them.
Funny how we have those Disney movie characters memorized after repeated viewings on the old VCR’s. lol
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
That came out great. I don’t remember the Bishop. I want to watch the film again now
The Bishop is a character that’s easily overlooked because he escaped my memories, too. Thanks for visiting!
This is another good drawing and love the coloured one. He looks jocular. Now I already know how the movie is different from the fairy tale.
Great job, Cathy!
We’re talking about Blue songs and I’ve got a romance featured on Literary Gold
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Literary Gold
I like to use Artrage on my Wacom tablet. I’m an Android user overall.
Nice work, Cathy!
Cool, I haven’t heard of Artrage but if it’s an Android app then that’s why. I’ll check the App store just for the fun of it.
Great work, Cathy! You really get into the details so well.
Thanks, dearie!
There was a bishop in “The Little Mermaid”? I never saw the movie, mind you…
The Bishop only had a tiny role toward the end of the film. I had forgotten about him until I began looking at the character options. Thanks for visiting!
That’s pretty good. I love the bishops hat and his glasses and his feet are priceless. It looks really good all colored in. You are getting better everyday.
Jackie’s Bookbytes Letter B
Thanks! I try really hard to match the details and then add a few of my own.
Oh how fun. I’m going to enjoy your A to Z for sure.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I hope you do! Thanks for visiting!
That’s such a terrific and fun one!
Thanks, Brian!
Hi, Cathy!
Your pencil sketch of the Bishop is great, and the colorized version is truly a pleasure to B-hold. You rendered the Bishop’s facial expression nicely, and I am impressed by the amount of detail you put into the composition such as the pages of his manuscript, the texture of the podium and his pedestal, the draping of his flowing robe behind him and the links of the guardrail. You did a fine job on the Bishop and all the other elements within the frame.
Enjoy your Tuesday, dear friend Cathy!
It’s good to see you in the blackness of this early morning. Hopefully, we’ll have a beautiful day to look forward to when the sun breaks across the sky. I tend to get carried away with the details which takes time for each illustration but I truly enjoy it. Thank you for noticing these finishing bits of my artwork, my friend – you’re dah-BOMB!:)
I’m impressed! I went and looked up the Procreate app, but it’s really not for amateurs like me. I do have a couple of drawing apps, including a painting one used by a modern artist at an exhibition I attended a while ago, but it’s really just a toy for me. My art teacher friends used it much better.
A charming theme!
My theme this year is SF and fantasy writers and their worlds and today’s post on The Great Raven is about Robert Bloch. https://suebursztynski.blogspot.com/2019/04/atoz-challenge-b-is-for-robert-bloch.html
I consider myself an amateur when it comes to art, too. There are far better talents out there and that’s okay by me because I’m having fun learning. I love the Procreate app but doodling on glass takes patience while learning and adjusting to the surface. It still bothers me because I don’t have near the control with my pencil gliding across my iPad. My brain prefers the texture of pencil against paper but I persist on hoping to defeat this issue. Thanks for stopping by. I’m heading your way next!
Hi Cathy! Thanks, I enjoyed all the little details you drew on the sketches, And the pedestal! I didn’t remember about it although I saw the movie many times. Now I know I have to pay more attention to the details.
How difficult to manage is the drawing app you are using? You are doing a nice job! Go on!
Oh, here is my little bread crumb:
See you tomorrow!
The most difficult part in any drawing app is how it feels to sketch on a glass surface – it’s very slick and I don’t have super control over my hand’s steadiness. This might not be an issue for some but despite my wavering lines I keep at with the hope of continually improving.
I see. This can be a drawback -sorry for the pun- for using a tablet. but I think this gives more credit to the effort you are adding to your sketches. Personally every time I´ve tried any drawing program, I could make picasso cry, so, I´ll keep to my hand drawings at the moment.
LOL, love that punyness! I doubt Picasso would cry but sketching old school has a special feel to it.
hahaha, thanks, but wait till you see tomorrow´s post…
Now, you got me intrigued with your comeback.