It’s DH’s Friday off. Normally, this my slot to dish out some giggles to round out the work week with my Friday Sillies edition. It also happens to be the first day of a new month which means it’s time another BoTB round. I’ll do my best to give you some laughs and mewsic in the same post.
If we’re lucky to celebrate another birthday then we’re privileged to say we’re a step closer to getting old. Not that I’ll ever say that nasty three letter word but you get what I’m saying. Anywho, I’m finding inspirations from family members for my battle songs. In a couple of days, my brother-in-law, DH’s middle brother turns another year older. I went back in time to 1951 the year of BIL#2’s birth to learn Nat King Cole charted #1 covering ‘Too Young‘ where it stayed on top of the charts for five weeks. Since this song’s release, there have been more than 100 covers recorded. I really liked Jerry Lee Lewis version and had planned to use it in today’s battle until I found two popular singers from my youth. These contenders are definitely too young and I felt they would make great rivals in today’s showdown. Please listen and tell me which artist gets your vote!
Contestant #1 Donny Osmond
Contestant #2 Michael Jackson
**Voting Period Ends 12pm EST Feb. 7th**
Who gets your vote, Donny Osmond or Michael Jackson?
How do I play BoTB? It’s really super simple!
- You VOTE. Leave your FAVORITE pick in comments. Everyone is welcome to vote. There is no wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote.
- Be interactive. Tell me why you like your favorite pick. (optional)
- Make me happy. Tell a friend, share the below tweet. (optional)
[tweetthis]I just voted in the #BoTB “2019 Round 3 #DonnyOsmond vs #MichaelJackson ‘Too Young’ sing-off”! #coverbands[/tweetthis]
DID YOU VOTE? No! Okay, but if you leave WITHOUT voting, I won’t be held responsible for what happens to your computer. Just saying is all.
In my side menu under the BOTB banner, you’ll find more awesome battles underway. Feel free to join the fun!
No matter how old we get, I think we all are young at heart but being ‘Too Young’ at heart is even better!
Join me next week this time to discover who gets my vote and to see if your favorite is named the winner. Oh yeah, don’t forget to join me on the dance floor (see side menu for the theme) with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! XX
, Cathy
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I’m laughing at Stephen’s comment…lol.
Both of these artists really had long, productive careers and a gaxillion fans…then, they weren’t the hot thing of the moment…
So what. I love them both. And today, dear Donny Osmond gets my vote and I’m not even ashamed.
I can always count on Stephen to add a bit of color with his comments.
I knew the gals would get the whole Donny and Michael thing. Like you, I’m not ashamed that I was fond of these boys in my youth. It just a sweet part of my past. Thanks for voting for Donny.
Hey Cathy, happy February! This is a tough one as you pitted two of the greatest 70s’ idols against each other. Thank goodness you dfidn’t choose a Disney song because Donny would win in that category (see Mulan,
But, as much I like Michael, I have to go with Donny on this one. He has so much charisma in his stage presence.
Thanks for sharing the DWTS link with Donny’s performance. I remember watching this when it aired. We’re big DWTS fans. Donny is such a likable fellow. I think he’s genuinely a nice guy. Thanks for voting for Donny!
Michael Jackson gets my vote
Hey Mike,
Thanks for voting for MJ!
Age is relative, ya know. I just turned 64, but in my head, I’m only 35.
Give my vote to Jerry Lee! Oh – he’s not eligible? C’est domage! Can’t say I’m fond of either contender, but Donny is slightly more polished, so he gets the vote.
I agree age is relative. I don’t feel 57 at all. Mentally I’m far younger.
Yep, too bad Jerry Lee isn’t in the mix or at least that’s the way a few others beside you felt. I wasn’t too crazy about the original. I appreciate you picking one of the contenders despite who you’d really wanted to give your vote to. So, Donny gets another!
LOL at the pole dancing!!!
Old…I feel that way lately. I’m only 50 but my gosh, tell my bones and joints that I’m only 20 will you?
Michael will always get my vote because I adore his voice, and I adore his life story. I went to see him in 1985 in Montreal here in Canada. He was touring with his brothers and it was the best concert I’d ever seen! So much fun. But I do remember watching the Osmonds when I was a kid. Donny never did it for me lol! 
I don’t like the cold but the only time it really affects my joints and bones is when I get injured and wow do I ever feel it! I never saw MJ in concert but wanted to go to their Victory tour in the mid-80s when they came to Knoxville. Tickets were too expensive, though. Thanks for voting for Michael!
Well I really never cared for Donny but loved anything Michael Jackson did in his adult years – such a showman and I could watch all his videos over and over. Loved the pole dancing cartoon….
You’re definitely right about MJ being a showman. He had great stage presence…well judging by what I’ve seen on YouTube or other media outlets. Donny is a bit too vanilla but I always enjoyed his songs. Both artists were favorite from my early years. I’m assuming you’re for voting for MJ, right?
Okay, I’m voting for Donny. I still don’t care for either of them.
Have a fabulous day. Love you. ♥
LOL I’m sorry you can’t change your vote.
*jk I hope I didn’t make you feel bad, did I? Alright, you twisted my arm I’ll move yours from JLL which I’m glad to do because it would’ve been tossed out to Donny. Sometimes you gotta pick between two bad candidates to go with the lesser of the two evils. 
Donny gets my nod of approval for this performance. Lucie Arnaz might have been am imposing figure, at six feet tall in heels, but the younger Osmond, stood firm, steadfast, in his pursuit. Note that later in the show, they did a duet of “I’ll Never Fall In Love Again.” So much for that fling…
I am going to try that “stand up fast” trick and see if I get a buzz.
Oh, and… Happy Groundhog Day (Weekend), Cathy!
I find if I’m stooped down and from a bending knee position if I rise too fast then the world will spin. Make sure someone is nearby to steady you, k? I don’t want ya getting hurt. Thanks for voting for Donny, my friend. Have a good weekend!
Michael’s voice made him sound like he most certainly was too young, whereas Donny’s had grown up just enough that he sounded credible in arguing the point. Mr. Osmond wins my vote.
I agree with your assessment. Thanks for voting for Donny!
No question, Donny Osmond wins this one. Michael Jackson was just a little too young for this, while Donny was perfect for it.
I wasn’t sure of Donny or Michael’s ages when they recorded this song but interesting they were both 14 years old. They were about 4-5 months away from their 15th birthdays when their songs released. MJ actually was closer to his birthday than DO. Anywho, I have you down for Donny!
Donny just sounds more mature.
Yes, he does.
hahahaaa…the teen idols but,Michael still had to get to a teen. I was laughing at that elis outfit Donny was wearing…I’d like to see him in that now:) I can’t stand Michael Jackson and I do believe he was a child molester, sorry, but I do but I still give the song to him…not because of his voice but because of the way it was stylized with the piano had more heart. I love Lucy so this was fun to see her and a young Eve Plumb
Both boys were such skinny kids, weren’t they? There’s a lot of darkness surrounding MJ and so much suspicion. I haven’t followed the stories, so I can’t comment on the subject with authority. I hope none of it’s true, though. That’s just too horrible. MJ had a lot of mewsical talent. I have your vote recorded for MJ. Enjoy your weekend, dearie!
Hiya Cathy!
Don’t pay attention to those silly boys who just don’t understand the effect that young Donny Osmond and young MJ had on teenage girls. Donny definitely gives a case of the swoons, but MJ sounded like he still needed to grow into his voice a little bit more for the song. My vote goes to young Donny Osmond
Jingle Jangle Jungle
I’m not paying any attention to the guys. I know how boys are about such things. lol I have you down for Donny!
Donny Osmond for us too.
Thanks for voting for Donny Osmond, Brian!
I don’t like either one, so I’m voting for Jerry Lee Lewis. He did it right.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, sweetie. Love you. ♥
I told everyone that Jerry Lee Lewis is off limits and what do you do? You vote for the man! You’re such a rule breaker.
Yes I am. I’ll come back and vote for Donny.
Neither Donny nor Michael do the song much justice, IMO, however, I feel Michael puts more soul into the song.So, my vote goes to Michael. I know Jerry Lee isn’t in the running but his take on the song doesn’t cut it. Happy February!!!
I’m not wild about JLL’s original, either. I prefer the young high-pitched vocals of these teen idols. I’m undecided which feller will get my vote but I appreciate you stopping in to vote for Michael Jackson.
Yeah, this was a tough one. Good work, Cathy!
Going with Donny Osmond on this one.
Good pick, thanks for voting for Donny Osmond!
Sorry, but I found this BOTB contest to be cloying and insipid. Nothing against you, Cathy, but yikes!
I thought Donny sounded bad and that I would be voting for Michael until I heard Michael–his voice just didn’t cut it for me. Give my vote to Donny Osmond.
Now let me go massage my ears and try to clear my brain of this match. Maybe I should also stand up slowly and go smoke a joint (hey, it’s legal here where I am).
Crank up the Led Zeppelin!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I never take anything purrsonally and laughed at your comment. I figured bringing these two sapping, high-pitched male vocals to stage might meet resistance by most but it just moved me and I went with it anyhow. I appreciate you being such a good sport to listen and play along. I hope I didn’t leave you too disturbed after this round and so appreciated you voting for Donny. Did you cleanse your ears thoroughly with some Led Zeppelin?
Hi, Cathy!
Happy February, happy Friday Sillies day, happy BOTB day and happy birthday to DH’s brother! He’s close to my age.
I read the description of that scene from Lucille Ball’s series Here’s Lucy. “Donny Osmond performs “Too Young” on Here’s Lucy. He sings it to Eve Plumb (from the Brady Bunch) until he sees Kim (Luci Arnez) and falls madly in love with an older woman.” I didn’t watch Here’s Lucy and therefore it was a treat to see “Jan” on a different show. Both Donny and Michael do their renditions of “Too Young” in a straightforward manner not deviating very much from the Nat King Cole version. However Michael’s voice has more soul, more feeling, and on his version I also appreciated the marvelous harmonies of the backing singes as well as the prominent piano. There’s simply more to like on the Michael Jackson recording and it earns my vote!
The Jerry Lee Lewis version of “Too Young” is too busy for my ears. The song is a love ballad and The Killer gives it a rock ‘n’ roll treatment. I don’t think it works as well. The style doesn’t fit the material. I enjoyed the cartoon of the granny pole dancing on her cane.
Thank you for the mewsical entertainment and the smiles, dear friend Cathy. I hope your jaw is mending properly and your scraped and bruised limbs are getting back to normal, too. Have a safe and happy weekend!
The pole dancing cartoon is hilarious! Your description of JLL’s original is accurate. I couldn’t put my finger on why it didn’t resonate well with my ears but it is busy sounding. The piano riffs really take the sentimentality out of the song. Thanks for voting for MJ this round. Thanks for asking about my jaw. It’s doing great! Have a nice weekend, my friend!
I’m voting for Jerry Lee Lewis. (Well, let’s face it, if I didn’t, someone else would. And at least in my case, I KNOW it’s wrong.)
That cartoon about Not Doing Drugs reminded me of a meme I created at ‘I Can Has Cheezburger’ last year… or the year before that — I can’t remember for sure because the memory is one of the first things to go.
But, anyway, here’s a link to the meme I dun made:
Hmmm…. Alright, my BOTB vote for real this time?…
I dunno. Donny and Michael were BOTH way too young. So young that nothing had dropped yet and they both sounded like little girls (dressed in collars like eagles’ wings).
You didn’t make this easy on me but… I guess I’ll vote for Donny, for one reason only: His voice was just slightly lower than Michael’s.
OK, I voted for Donny Osmond. Let us not speak of this again. It never happened… (or else…)
~ D-FensDogG
Yes, you would vote for JLL if I’d let and well…I guess I can’t fault for what you like there buddy! Andy, you’re right someone did pull the lever for Jerry but I’m not mad. Heck, I would’ve gotten mad at you had you stayed with Jerry but you were being the good sport that you always are even when the contenders aren’t your favorites.
Your old age meme is true on both counts. I hadn’t even looked at it that way before now. lol I keep telling myself the reason my memory is so horrible is I have too much going on and that’s the story I’m sticking with until I forget the lies I’m feeding myself. Both teen idols vocals are a bit high pitched but Donny’s is not quite as bad Michael’s. Thanks for tossing your vote to Donny.