Welcome to Mondays Music Mewsic Moves Me (4M) on Sunday. Today, you’re getting a double punch of mewsic with my April 1st Battle of the Bands near the bottom. I’m participating in the A to Z Challenge beginning tomorrow so life is going to be go-go-go for the next 30 days. Luckily my mewsic shares I can neatly keep together and separate from my A2Z posts so to not create an overload for anyone.
This month’s honorary co-host is Kim from The ReInVintaged Life and her first theme is ‘April showers bring May flowers‘. My mind naturally drifted to The Cowsills, The Rain, The Park, & Other Things.
On behalf of the 4M crew, you’re invited to hit the dance floor!
NOTE: The below link up is for ONLY those boogieing with the 4M gang. All others are subjected to removal or labeled, ‘NO MEWSIC’.
For those new to Battle of the Bands (#BoTB), the showdown is open to anyone with an opinion. What’s that you say, you have one? Excellent. All you need to do is listen to both cover artists singing the same song then tell me which singer is you like best. You don’t need to explain why but if you want to then fine. It’s really just that simple!

I’m keeping with my Little Mermaid Artsketch theme for April’s A2Z blogfest, I am using the 1989 animated movie song, Part of Your World by Jodi Benson. Please keep in mind the original is for reference only and NOT included in the showdown. Here are the two performers battling it out in this round.
First up is a new-to-me, American Country artist, Chely Wright but this gal debuted in the mewsic industry in 1994. Why don’t I remember this chick? It’s gotta be one of my many Mommy Amnesia moments.
My second contender is Canadian-born pop singer/songwriter and actress (that’s new on me) who I’m happy to say I know, Carly Rae Jepsen. Yeah, she did that song ‘Call Me Maybe’ that you either hate or love. I happen to like it! Hopefully, you’ll see pass any differences you have and give Carly a fair listen.
You’ll find more awesome battles underway (see side menu for list) but not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now. If you’d like to be included in the fun, please contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

Don’t forget to tell me in comments who you like the best, Chely or Carly!
Mark your calendar for next week the same date and time (Sunday at midnight EST) to see how your favorite artist does in this showdown. Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Please join me tomorrow for the first edition of my The Little Mermaid Art Sketch series. Have a sparkletastic day!

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I like both Chely and Carly Rae as artists – but yeah, Chely did that one better.
LOVE all your song choices, Cathy! I had no idea that Partridge Family was based on Cowsills (and to be honest, am not familiar with Cowsills, so thanks for the education!)
Loved your April Fools funnies, too! Thanks for the dance! 
Thank you Terri! I learned years ago that the 70s TV show is based on the real mewsical family The Cowsills but then I forgot about it until recent years when someone reminded me. The Cowsills had beautiful voices back in the day. I think some of the family members still perform together.
When I said the theme, the first song Pop said was the Cowsills. Thanks for playing it.
Pops and I weren’t the only ones to think that as I noticed a few others used it, which is fine by me because it’s such a great song. Thanks for boogieing with me, dearie!
Speaking of Cowsills…there’s a great documentary about them on Amazon called Family Band.
Chely Wright takes this one, for sure.
Excellent, gotcha down for Chely Wright and thanks for the heads up on the Cowsills documentary on Amazon.
Never heard of the Cowsills, Cathy, but they do sound familiar in a way
Chely is definitely our favourite, what a beautiful voice <3 Thanks for the music again. We will come back later for the Mermaid. Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead

I bet you’ve heard the Cowsills but can’t place them. That’s my problem 99% of the time. lol The 70s TV sitcom The Partridge Family is based on them.
Thanks for voting for Chely. 
The Cowsills — Sweetie was talking about them the other day. Great song.
Thanks for the laughs with the April Fool’s comics.
Both of the singers are impressive to me, i have to go with Ms. Jepson on this, though.
Love the elephant with his buddies, it’s precious.
Excellent, another vote goes to Carly! I’ve been concerned that I didn’t do a good match contenders in this round but it’s still early in the game.
Thanks for letting me lead the dances this month for the 4M crew! I haven’t heard that Cowsills song in FOREVER! It brings a lot back. As for your battle, if you want to count my vote, give it to Chely Wright. I can look past Call Me Maybe, but I still didn’t like Carly Rae’s cover as well as Chely’s for some reason.
Have a great week, Cathy!
Yay, thanks for voting! I have you down for Chely. It’s great having you on board as this month’s special co-host and you gave us an awesome theme this week!
Hey Cathy!
I really like how your BOTB song coincides with your A2Z Theme! I really wanted to like Carly Rae, but Cheryl really makes the song her own – and you know how I like individuality! My vote goes to Cheryl.
Howdy, CATHY! It’s that me, STMcC. ~
It looks like I’m going to have to go along with the majority of the crowd here (so far, anyway) and vote for CHELY WRIGHT. That gal can really sing! By comparison, that “little girl voice” of Carly Rae Jepsen wasted no time at all in grating on my nerves.
Have you a wonderful week, Cathy, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Going to vote for Chely, I truly liked her version better.
I’d forgotten all about Chely Wright. I even have a CD that was put out in the 90’s. I guess I haven’t listened to it in a very long time.
Carly’s verson was okay though a little sappy. I vote for the forgotten (to me) Chely Wright.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I think it’s interesting how you forgot about Chely and I forgot about Thalia (one of your BoTB contenders). My showdown is tipped heavily in favor with your favorite pick Chely but this could change. Only time will tell, no? Have a bandtastic week!
Chely gets my vote and I’m surprised since I am not into country but Carly seems to be sing8ng nasally plus she sings talks a bit which I found annoying so country it is.
I always think Carly sounds a tiny bit nasally. Thanks for stopping in to vote for Chely!
Oh girl, I love your choice Cowsills for 4M & your Mermaid pic is awesome… and Carly Rae is totally awesome! Good for her and you for sharing!!! HUGS… Do they have an Oscar for this cuz you deserve one my friend!!!!
It’s great to boogie with you, girlfriend. I’m glad to see Carly get another vote. Chely was squeezing her right out of the picture.
Thank you very much but I already have an Oscar. My dad!
lol Have a boogietastic week!
Great start to the A-Z
I love The Little Mermaid. Have a wonderful week! XO
Thanks for boogieing by but my first A2Z post goes live tomorrow at 6am eastern time. I hope you get a chance to visit then, too!
If I had not decided to combine Music Moves me with my first A to Z post, I would seriously have thought of the Cowsills song – it was such a perfect choice. I will pass on the battle as I have…um, almost all? of my A to Z posts to write. I’d better get to work and stop listening to so much music, lol.
I understand being short on time to vote in this round of BoTB, no worries, my dear. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor and have fun getting those A2Z posts done!
Hey! I got “The Rain, The Park, and Other Things,” too!
BotB-wise, I liked Chely Wright’s voice a whole lot better than Carly Rae Jepsen’s. I mean, I really liked Chely’s voice. I’m surprised she’s been around as long as she has (25 years?! Wow…) and a lot of people don’t know her. Anyway, she gets my vote.
Happy A to Z-ing!
Thanks for voting for Chely Wright. Now, I’m off to check out your battle & more!
Hi Cathy
Hope you’re having a lovely mewsical Sunday!! I’m just taking it easy and paw-ndering life today! 
Of course, my favourite is the original! Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are my favourite of the Disneys! I like Cheryl’s voice better, but my issue with remakes is that they are SO MUCH like the original! I like artists that switch it up…a great example is when Gary Jules did the Tears for Fears remake of “Mad World”. Nothing like the original, could even be BETTER than the original!
Thank you for voting in this round of BoTB. I have you down for Chely. I like Gary Jules ‘Mad World’ cover better than Tears For Fear’s original because it stands out more in my mind. I totally forgot that TFF did this song until you mentioned it. Have a bandtastic week, my friend!
Hi Cathy; I remember that Cowsills tune; brings back a lot of memories.
For BOTB, my vote goes to Chely Wright. Her vocals are fuller and richer than Carly Rae’s. Have fun with the A to Z! I’ll try and catch some of your posts. Cheers!
I’m happy you joined me on the dance floor and in this round of BoTB. I have your vote recorded for Chely Wright. I’m beginning to think this is going to be a heavily lopsided showdown. lol Have a bandtastic week, my friend!
So much greatness here. Love the baby elephant. I’ll be checking in on you during AtoZ
I’ll be looking forward to your visits like always, my dear. Have a boogietastic week!
Love the Cowsills song – a real blast from the past! I’ve never heard of either one of these gals but I don’t listen to much country mewsic. Ima a rocknroll girl. With that said, my vote goes to Chely because she seems to feel the song. They’re both very good which made this a difficult choice.
The Cowsills have a lovely sound of yesterday that can’t be matched. My artist choices aren’t rockers that’s for sure but I’m glad you were able to find one that you liked in giving your vote to Chely who’s leading this showdown. Thanks for dropping by to boogie with me, my dear!
Always a pleasure.
Loved the Cowsills. I’ve not heard that in years.
I like them both, but Chely Wright has my vote. The originals are usually my favorites.
Awww on that cute Awww. I linked you up already.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday, my friend. Hugs and love. ♥
I’m glad to see you on the dance floor. I have your vote locked in for Chely Wright. I agree, no one does it like the original artist usually and this song is no exception. Thanks for adding me to your Awww Monday linky fest. Have a pAwesome week!
Such very nice tunes! We hooe everyone enjoys a fun Fool’s Day!
Thank you for joining me on the dance floor. Have a boogietastic week!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy 4M Monday on Sunday & BOTB Day, dear friend!
That Cowsills song from my teenage years was just the thing I needed to perk up my ears this morning. It brings back the era of sunshine pop, a style of mewsic that, along with bubblegum and nursery rhyme rock, offered an alternative to the increasingly hard and heavy sounds that were entering the mainstream in the mid to late 60s.
It starts with a great song, as I always say, and “Part Of Your World” is most certainly a classic Disney song, one that has been covered by numerous artists including Miley Cyrus and Britain’s Jessie J. The two contestants in your band battle are gifted vocalists with the right vocal quality to do the song justice. Like you, I was already familiar with Carly Rae because I have posted her songs on my blog and have her greatest hits CD. We need to keep in mind that the playing field is not level. Carly benefits from having a music video for us to watch while Chely’s song plays over a promotional picture. Both singers do a great job of acting as well as singing the song, conveying the emotion and frustration experienced by The Little Mermaid as she yearns to be a part of that world up on the… what’s that word?… “street.” I tried not to watch Carly’s video as I listened, but how could I not? She is pretty and petite and her pixie voice is ideal for the song. I read that Carly’s 2013 cover was produced for The Little Mermaid’s Diamond Edition re-release. Chely puts the right feeling into the song and her musicians do an excellent job, but Carly Rae Jepsen’s version gives us even more of a good thing. It touches me to a greater extent, and therefore I vote for Carly Rae Jepsen.
Thank you for the great mewsic and fun, dear friend Cathy!
It’s great seeing you on the dance floor, my friend. The Cowsills are a classic oldies band which calls to mind my earlier days spent watching the TV show based on the Cowsills, The Patridge Family.
Thank you for taking the time to vote in my April 1st BoTB. I rarely watch the mewsic videos when I’m visiting others or while doing my research. You’re right visualization can influence you. Isn’t that funny? Anywho, I have your vote secured for Carly. Have a bandtastic week, my friend – you rock!
I wanted to like Carly Rae’s version of “Part of Your World,” but felt that the song suited Chely’s voice better. Maybe next time…
I appreciate your honesty and vote for Chely!