
14-03-2025 Vol 19

2 different ‘Summer Breeze’ songs BOTB showdown shares 4M time slot with Rebekah delRio

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  It’s mid-month. That means I’m smashing things up again and you’ll find another BoTB round at the end today but while you’re here you may as well boogie with me. This week’s theme is ‘your choice song picks.

I heard of today’s featured artist before but it wasn’t until our recent viewing of Twin Peaks: The Return series I took note of her singing with ‘No Stars’ I shared in my May 1st playlist. Little did I know that wasn’t here first time to work with David Lynch. After sampling some of her tunes, I came up with a short list of songs that I’d like to spin on my turntable for you, just click play and enjoy this mini Rebekah del Rio concert!


Rebekah del Rio playlist tracks:

  1. Llorando from the film ‘Mulholland Drive’
  2. All My Life
  3. El amor
  4. Damned
  5. Nobody’s Angel




This month’s honorary co-hostess is… Musings & Merriment with Michelle!



DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

On the first, I paired two covered artists going head-to-head purforming an old classic of Seals and Croft (Summer Breeze). During my search I found a few different songs with the same title which got my brain to thinking. Hey, there’s a first time for everything. Anywho, I decided to use a couple of the “Summer Breeze” song titles for today’s battle.

I can’t believe any guy would be caught dead wearing a cropped off t-shirt but what I’d like to know is who really thinks that looks good? Not me, that’s for sure, so I’m going to ignore the fella. Hit play and listen to Piper!

The image for the next mewsic video is better. No silly guy wearing cropped off tees. 🙂  I love the shore line! I’m not sure where this is, do you? Chime in if you have an idea and while you’re pondering over where this is, listen to  Phoniks x Raashan Ahmad (Deep Chills) in this round!

For seasoned BoTBers you know what to do, but newcomers all ya need to do is give me your opinion by leaving the name of your favorite artist in comments. You don’t have to know the song or artist. You’re welcome to explain why  your pick got your vote, too.   

You’ll find more showdowns from these fellow mewsic BOTB enthusiasts in my side menu below the banner.

Voting ends noon (EST) June 21st! Next week’s 4M post I’ll share the results of today’s battle, so don’t forget to cast your vote for Piper or Phoniks x Raashan Ahmad now! That’s it for now. Have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy

Brushstrokes app recreation from one of my original photograph taken of Concord Yacht Club in Farragut, Tennessee several years ago that I never shared before which goes beautifully with today’s ‘Summer Breeze’ BoTB songs, don’t you think?






















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47 thoughts on “2 different ‘Summer Breeze’ songs BOTB showdown shares 4M time slot with Rebekah delRio

    1. Mimi,

      It’s nice to have mini vacation breaks throughout the week while visiting a friend in Blogosphere. Mewsic is a wonderful way to unwind. Thanks for voting for DEEP CHILLS. Have a great day, dearie!

  1. I could have sworn I’d already been by here and left a comment, but then I also thought this post was from last time. What can I say? I’m very off lately for some reason.

    Your 4M selection was brand new to me, so thanks for the introduction!

    As for the battle, I prefer Deep Chill. Something about Piper’s song just didn’t gel with me for whatever reason.

    Have a great week, Cathy!


    1. Kim,

      I’m only blogging on Mondays and with BoTB lining up with 4M it’s easy to make the mistake. Don’t worry about it. I have you down for DEEP CHILLS!

  2. Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. HiYa, CAThy! It’s that you?!

    Very, very nice Battle you put together here! I’m a wee bit o’ late visitin’ but still in plenty o’ time.

    I actually enjoyed BOTH of your BOTB song selections. But I think that after awhile, Deep Chills kind of ran out of musical ideas and at some point it started sounding too much like “more of the same”.

    However, PIPER I dug all the way through, and it definitely had a Summer breeze vibe to it. In fact, the lead vocalist made me think of Sade. I realize, of course, that she’s not Sade, but her style and tone was notably similar. And, yes, I do dig Sade!

    Very nicely done, CAThy. Thanks for the Summer concert!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hey Stephen,

      Yep, it’s me dearie! So happy you stopped by to vote in this battle. Like you I thought that Piper’s lead singer is a female but it’s actually a guy. After listening to it a time or two more I can tell that it’s guy, Keisuka Yamamoto. I know Sade by name and have listened to her mewsic on other blogs but I need to sample her stuff again. I’ll put you down for PIPER. Thanks for joining me. Be safe and well, my friend!

  4. Well, these are very soothing I must admit and I also need this right now because I ran so late yesterday & I really didn’t feel very good so I didn’t make all our guests, but I am today. I’m sure they’ll understand. I’m also working on my new blog. I have to move my blog from the .com & go to I’m so sad about it, but I just cannot afford to pay for a spot right now. So my love, great tunes… take care… and you knows I luvs ya don’t cha??? Well, off to the store first & then back to business. We have to buy a new toilet. My youngest daughter is helping us out with the extra expense. She’s such a sweetie. She’s trying to talk us into selling our house & moving to Missouri & be by her. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Okay more later. BIG HUGS & BE SAFE.

    1. Marie,

      Don’t you ever worry about being late at my place because there’s not such thing as ‘being late’ here. My door is open 24/7 so get to me when you can and let everything else slide. I know you have your hands full moving your blog back to blogspot and while you’re bummed about it, don’t be. At least you have a freebie option to keep connected with the blogging community. I’m curious why you didn’t use WordPress’ freebie service. Wasn’t your .com site using that platform already? Why don’t you want to move to Missouri? Do you have other family nearby? It’d be good if you could be close to those who can help you and Dave the most, though. You guys may want to seriously consider that option. Have a good day, darling!

  5. A double wowza for Rebekah del Rio! I’m going with Piper. The beat in Deep Chills became monotonous to me. Have a fantastic week, Cathy!

    1. Eugenia,

      So happy you joined us on the 4M dance floor and that you enjoyed Rebekah. Thanks for voting for PIPER. This is an interesting showdown.

  6. Phoniks x Raashan Ahmad … Piano, Flute, and SAXOPHONE…. Jazzed up Chill… So Fun!

    Voting now ~ Hooked on PHONIKS

  7. Hey Cathy,

    I hope you are doing well! It is getting hot here in Nagoya. Like humid hot. I sweat to work now. ;(

    My vote goes to Piper because I love the mellow city-pop feel. I also love Rebekah del Rio, she has amazing vocals.

    Take care! (Sorry to keep this short, time for work and I am just tired from practicing Tae Kwon Do last night.)

    1. Amy,

      All is well here on the home front. At the moment, our weather front is kinda nice but that’s about to change as forecast temps are expected to be in the upper 80s for the next several days along with thunderstorms most days. It’s definitely summer time! I have your vote recorded for PIPER. I’m glad you found time to boogie with me on the 4M dance floor and no worries about being short with your comment. We all have too many irons in the fire these days. Take care, dearie!

    1. Alana,

      Yeah, Twin Peaks:The Return really did ignite my fire with new mewsic discoveries. As weird as that show is, David Lynch really knew how to add the right mewsic to his work.

  8. CK, that mewsic was amazing! We loved Damned and El Amor, that makes Summer for us 😉 but to choice between the Summer Breeze, we go for Phoniks x Raashan Ahmad (Deep Chills). Thanks for the mewsic, the funny child and doggie and the quotation, an all in one purrfect🎶🎵🎶Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      Thanks for boogieing with us. It’s so pawesome to have you on the dance floor, my furriend. Oh goodie, you voted in the BoTB for DEEP CHILLS. Thanks for playing along and have a meowvalous day!

  9. I have to go with Deep Chills because I like the beat to it. It was fun to listen to. Twin Peaks is one I didn’t watch when it was on. I am not sure why but I didn’t but this lady singing for Twin Peaks TV show is excellent. She has a great voice.

    1. Birgit,

      Great to have you weigh in on this battle. Another vote for DEEP CHILLS. I’m glad you enjoyed the mewsic spinning on the turntable. I sampled a number of her songs. These are the ones that most peaked my ears, some of her stuff didn’t do much for me. I had hoped there would be more tunes by her that I like and maybe there are. Perhaps it requires more time to investigate later on. Thanks for visiting, my dear!

  10. Awww those two are adorable peeking through the fence. Made me smile.

    I took 50 points off for the shirt. You’re right, that’s bad.

    My pick is Phoniks x Raashan Ahmad (Deep Chills). I love that beat.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      We so think alike (t-shirt dude), don’t we? I have you down for DEEP CHILLS. Thanks for visiting and joining the fun, my friend!

  11. Well, there is no doubt that this will be the most original playlist I will hear today and the artist, as well as the songs are new to me. I do like what I am hearing. Thanks for sharing a whole new sound. Have a blessed week.

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday and mid-month BOTB Day, dear friend!

    You got this Monday off to an Awww-some start with that cute picture of the toddler and the dog peeking through holes in the fence. Makes you wonder what’s on the other side. Did the circus some to town?

    Over the years I haven’t taken much of an interest in lounge singers because the ones I have encountered were not that great. However Rebekah del Rio IS great. I could listen to her pure, intimate vocals all day long and never tire of them. We have music agent Brian Loucks to thank for bringing Rebekah to David Lynch’s attention, prompting the director to add Rebekah to his film Mulholland Drive and build a scene around her. She performs again in Part 10 of Twin Peaks: The Return. I particularly enjoyed the visuals in her “Damned” video. Rebekah del Rio singing in a style I much appreciate. I can feel the deep emotion within her but she doesn’t go over the top in expressing it. Her performances are not overwrought. She filters and refines the emotion on the way out of her throat so that there is only a hint of the depth of feeling. That’s very exciting to me.

    In your Band Battle, you posted the entire Piper album, and since Piper’s “Summer Breeze” is a new to me song, I didn’t know where to find it. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of posting the track here in my comment so that other readers can easily listen to it. The video includes vintage film footage of people on the beach learning to play with a Hula Hoop:

    I read that Piper was a Japanese studio band lead by vocalist Keisuke Yamamoto. After listening to Piper’s 1983 “Summer Breeze” song and then to the second contestant, Deep Chills doing “Summerbreeze,” I am voting for act #1 – Piper. I enjoyed the “breezy” arrangement on their recording which encompasses the following mewsic genres and styles:

    Genre: Electronic, Funk / Soul, Pop
    Style: Boogie, City Pop, Disco, Funk, Synth-pop

    I also prefer Piper to Deep Chills because the deep house beats on the Deep Chills version become monotonous. So please put me down for Piper in today’s battle!

    Yessum, I love how the Brushstrokes app transformed your picture taken at the Concord Yacht Club into a lovely oil painting. It does go well with today’s “Summer Breeze” theme!

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for calling attention my goof on the Piper video. I’m glad you included the track for others to listen to easily. I went ahead with replacing the code to only show the song instead of the entire album. WOW, I’m so glad that I read your tidbits on Piper which caused me to do double take on some info I picked up that conflicted with yours which puzzled me. In the days after this post went live I thought I’d learn a little bit about the group and found out that Billy Squire fronted the band (1975-1980). Apparently there are two Piper bands. roll eyes Good grief, I need to slow down and evaluate things more closely. What’s equally confusing is if you ask Google, “Piper band” and up pops Billy Squire with this album cover. Obviously now that’s wrong and while I thought, “Hey the singer in Summer Breeze doesn’t sound like Squire.” I figured it was my poor hearing that was missing something. Okay enough chatter about my latest stint of confusion on the brain. I have you down for PIPER, my friend. Thanks for playing along!

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