
28-03-2025 Vol 19

1982 #1 country hit, What’s Forever For by Michael Martin Murphey

Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows reminded me of Michael Martin Murphey’s, 1982 hit, “What’s Forever For?” from wayback.  At the time, I don’t think I made the connection he’s a country artist.  He sounded more soft rock to my ears.  Wiki says the singer/songwriter of western, country, a popular music.  Michael is a month and 10 days older than my mother, born March 14, 1945.  Melissa’s song share prompted me to sample more of his music. At YouTube, I found the below collection, Michael Murphey Greatest Hits 2021 playlist to listen to.  Click play for a trip down memory lane!

I’m trying to gather momentum to getting back into my normal blogging groove. Although vacation and the preparation that consumed me better part of the past five months is behind me, this month is full of activities and soon the holiday season rolls in. I’m not sure how frequent this segment will occur right now and probably will pull these together when inspiration strikes. I wrote a Wayback Wednesday post many moons ago for the same year. What sorts of things do you remember from 1982?

Thanks for joining me with your morning coffee for some good music and conversation. I can’t say with certainty the frequency of posts in the return of this series as I plan to do so when curious or inspire. I hope it’s been fun for you.

With the unpredictability of this post so is Friday’s. If you’re hanging around Blogosphere then join me for a special edition of Friday Funnies. This is CAAC signing off, have a wonderful day!

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6 thoughts on “1982 #1 country hit, What’s Forever For by Michael Martin Murphey

  1. I love that song. I remember it well. Nice playlist too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  2. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild, Wacky and Almost Wordless Wayback Wednesday, dear friend! I hope you and DH are having a nice weekend.

    Awww… I just wanna smooch that cute little blonde pinup gal. 🙂 Bless her heart for sliding down the banister that way! 🙂

    I remember Dallas singer MMM and his countrified soft-rock 1982 hit “What’s Forever For,” a song originally recorded by England Dan & John Ford Coley and released on that duo’s 1979 album Dr. Heckle and Mr. Jive. I enjoyed listening to this set of songs by your featured artist. Of all MMM songs, my favorite by far is “Wildfire.” Considered by many to be Michael’s signature song, “Wildfire” touched me deeply when it charted in 1975 and still does this morning. It’s timeless.

    Unfortunately, 1982 was one of the worst years of my life. I was in poor health and experienced a very painful break-up with the lady in my life, someone I had been with four years. “What’s Forever For” could have been written about us. Putting it into perspective, I am thankful the relationship ended, because it was a house of cards built on a shaky foundation. At the time, I was in denial about that, and parting with her felt like the end of the world.

    Thanks for the morning mewsic, dear friend Cathy. I see that you have already visited Shady’s Place. I’ve been working on a post and didn’t notice until now. Thank you! Have a wonderful Wednesday and I’ll be back to see you for some Friday Sillies!

    1. Tom,

      1982 was a bad year for you but sometimes blessings are in disguise, especially with relationships. I hope your health issues improved and certainly the breakup as hard as it was lead you down the right path to Mrs. Shady. Thanks for dropping in for a visit this morning, my friend. Enjoy the rest of the week!

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