
14-03-2025 Vol 19

10 Reasons I’m Thankful & 7 Top Joys of my Life

There are a couple of blogs that I carry on my Daily Blog Hops page that dedicate today to giving thanks.  I think that’s a cool idea. Purrsonally speaking I’m thankful for everything God gives me each day but I’d like to recognize specifics.  


What am I thankful for today?


  1. Leg healing. It’s now 4-weeks post-injury.  There’s still a tight flat lump on my upper calf muscle but the bruising and tenderness are far better.
  2. Being a SAHW.  I’m glad that I get to stay home.  It allows me the opportunity to do the things I enjoy or to give my body rest to mend as I’ve needed lately.  I’m very blessed.
  3. Neck pain relief. Last week, after years and years of putting me off I decided to go to the doctor.  I was concerned that I have a pinched nerve. He seems to think it’s just tension and prescribed muscle relaxers at bedtime.  This is a huge help!
  4. Making ends meet.  We’ve had some big, big expenses piled on us (major appliances replaced and car repairs twice) in the last month and a half.  I count my blessings that we’re able to manage these obligations okay.  It’ll feel tight for a little bit but at least these things are paid for with the exception of the new car. That’s another matter entirely. 🙂
  5. DH job.  If it weren’t for God giving him his job then we couldn’t take care of the things we are able to do now, so I’m very grateful for his employment. His employer and co-workers are wonderful people!
  6. Improved mood.  Ever since I re-discovered my passion for art, my overall mental health (not that it was ever bad, to begin with) is happier.  That sounds odd because I consider myself a sunny personality but sketching gives me even greater joy each day.  Get your sunglasses out when you meet me, folks! 😀
  7. Improved organizational skills.  This is something I’ve struggled with most of my adult life but this past year I’ve seen positive change in how I do things.  I still have a long way to go but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made and look forward to getting even better.
  8. Leisure time. I love spending time with DH.  It doesn’t matter what we do as long as we’re doing it together.  It’s relaxing to sit quietly in the living room with each of us doing our own thing on our iPads.
  9. Power of the Internet. Before the days of the Internet if I needed to find something or to learn about a product  I’d have to call someone.  That was really time-consuming.  While I still spend a lot of time on research, the job is easier and I feel more informed before I actually need to call a store to locate whatever it is I need to purchase.
  10. The blogging community. I’ve made a lot of good friends in Blogosphere since I began in 2010. This would be a good time to say thank you for being my friend to a new person each week, don’t you?  Today, I wanna say thanks to one of my very first blogger buds, XmasDolly.  Marie is the 4M brainchild of Monday’s Music Moves Me. I’ve been meeting her on the dance floor each week nearly my whole blogging life but more than that, she has become a good friend to me behind the scenes.  


I’m joining Thankful Thursday and Ten Things of Thankful. What are you thankful for this Thursday?


Trade your doubt for gratitude because nothing calms a storm like a ‘Grateful’ heart.



I’m trying to decide how to go about blogging, you know trying to figure out the type of content I share each day.  There are so many wonderful hops to join. I’m not sure if I should do separate or combined posts.  For now, I reckon I will stick with what works best for me with going the combo route.  

Kat from Mama’s Losin’ It shares six writing prompts each week.  It’s been a while since I’ve played along with her community. I decided to List the top 7 things that bring me joy.


  1. DH – the love of my life & my purrfect best-friend!
  2. Creative outlets – Art sketching & Photography
  3. Jesus – my Anker of strength and hope
  4. Mewsic – all genres with the except of rap
  5. Chocolate – need I say more? 🙂
  6. My children – when the moon is aligned with the stars and all is right in the world. lol
  7. My granddaughter – nothing brings joy like the pure innocence & sweetness of a small child


What gives you the most joy?  


Please join me tomorrow for another edition of Friday Fun Stuff


X💋X💋, Cathy

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28 thoughts on “10 Reasons I’m Thankful & 7 Top Joys of my Life

  1. I’m with you on so much of this! So glad you have gotten some pain relief and I’m hoping your leg makes a full recovery! I hate it when those unpredictable expenses pop up, it’s never a good time, but thank goodness for jobs that help us pay those bills!

    1. Kat,

      My leg is doing so much better. It’s going to be just fine and yes, I’m very thankful for DH’s job. God is so good to us that it amazes me!

  2. I love your thankfuls, Cathy, and I am thankful to have you as my blogging friend. It’s people like you that make blogland a great place to be. ❤️

  3. Your Top Seven List is impressive. I says so much about who you are.

    Glad to see you are on the mend from your leg injury.

    1. Myke,

      Ah, thanks! I’m basically a happy person and find joy in all things. This was hard for me to pen but I managed to keep the list to my top seven for sure.

  4. Wonderful things to be thankful for. Glad the leg is healing. I broke my knee a few years ago and being one-legged was terrible!

    1. Janet,

      I think I remember when you broke your knee…well, I was thinking it was your leg. Your knee? Are you sure about that? lol Okay, now how does one break her knee? Were you jumping off the stage at one of your many concerts you attend to escape security? I told you can’t keep trying to do a selfie with the stars while they’re performing. lol On a serious note, I know hobbling around one-legged was a drag! DH broke his ankle many years ago and was so miserable. Here’s to no more breaks every again in your life, DH’s, or mine. I’ve not broken anything and I hope I never do!

      1. Yes, it was my knee. Had to wear a brace so I couldn’t bend it. It was so difficult. LOL you know me about the concert selfies!

  5. Eight and ten are my favorites of all of these. I feel the same way about my husband. It’s a wonderful thing. As for ten, I’ve met so many of my blogging buddies and it’s a most wonderful thing. Some folks you just connect with and you and Marie are two of those people. I really do love the both of you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

    1. Sandee, you’re such a darlin’! I feel the same about you. Isn’t it an amazing thing? It’s really a blessing to feel this way about people you never met but you have such kinship with somehow. Blessings to you!

  6. I like all of these but often join you in “make ends meet”. It’s a challenge but I always come out feeling good about myself when it works.

    1. Jacqui,

      We haven’t always been in a place where ends meet but with the kids grown, out of the house, and our home paid for then life is a bit easier. I keep thinking it would be nice to win the lottery if I played. The odds being against me is what keeps me from buying a weekly ticket because I’m like when will it end? I don’t want to be a slave to something like this, you know?

  7. this is truly a wonderful post and inspiring because it makes me think of all I am thankful for. I am so glad you went to the Dr and he helped you because tension pain is very tough to deal with. I am so glad you are healing and that you are doing well. Lucky you for not having to work outside the home every single day. Despite my chronic pain, I am a happy person overall but I am glad I take some medications for my pain which helps my moods too so it is like a win win. I love my hubby and all my fur babes. I, too, have had major expenses from the animals to our washer and the car-new lights. I am glad that we could pay for them and it is tight, but we can do it. When I have clients in my office who came from Syria, a husband and wife who are both lawyers (in Syria) and they left when their place of work was bombed just before they got there, I am so grateful I do not have to live with that threat and have to leave my homeland. I am thankful for my parents who are now together in heaven but gave me love, guidance and the ability to be independent which many kids today have no idea how to do this. Have a beautiful day!

    1. Birgit,

      It’s beautiful when others are filled with gratitude for what they have instead of what they do not have. We can all benefit from more but God knows what we need and when to give it to us. Your list of thanksgivings is top notch and am very thankful for you, my friend. I agree with you, I’m happy to live in a country where we don’t have to worry about the horrors of war around us all the time as your lawyer clients came from. I’m glad they are now in a safer country. Be blessed!

  8. Those thankfuls are so wonderful and we are super thankful to have you as our friend. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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