Yesterday we woke up to no power, about 3 to 4 inches of snow, and no Internet service for much of the day. After spring-like temperatures for the past several days it was a rude awaking with the temps barely making it to the mid-30s yesterday and last night it dropped into the low 20s. Okay, I’m done with this winter stuff and am ready for the next season. I know, I know I have to wait a very long two and half months before that happens. Meanwhile, It’s a brand new year, so let’s start the morning off with my Top Ten Tuesday song picks form January 1962. I was only an infant barely a month old when these songs charted the US Billboard Hot 100 chart 60 years ago. How about you, do you remember any of these tunes?
DH got his Christmas Angel, isn’t that the sweetest ever? the prettiest saucepan. I snapped some pictures of it but none of them looked great, so I lifted the image off Ruffoni’s website. The Italian made 1.5quart saucepan is from their Opus Cupra line. It’s truly a work of art! Not to mention, it does a fabulous job heating food up. This is an extravagance we can’t afford every day nor every Christmas but he wanted to get it for me and he said they had it on sale which was cool. What can I say, DH is just too kind and he enjoys spoiling me.

You may want to sit your coffee down for a few random laughs in this edition of Tickle Me Tuesday!

I don’t think I’m ever going to get caught up. In November and December, DH had vacation time to use which put me behind, then the holidays pushed through. Oh well, it is what it is, so I’ll do my best to not stress as I try to go with the flow fighting my way back to normalcy again in Blogosphere. Alrighty, it’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside. That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes!
, Cathy
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Btw, thanks for the mention! Always appreciated.
I love those tunes, Cathy, and yes, I am old enough to remember them. The logging truck cartoon is hilarious! Stay warm and rock on!
In 1962 I was 8 years old and remember all of those tunes.
Sounds like your weather was similar to ours, but we didn’t lose power, thank goodness. I hope you get a warming trend, soon. That saucepan is a real work of art. DH has good taste. Enjoy!
Those are songs i heard on the oldies station, i wasn’t born until ’63.
Thanks for the funnies!
I remember those tunes from 1962 and some are on my playlist. Terrific funnies too!
Waking up to no power is awful because it means no coffee. That is a nice saucepan, very sweet gift. XO
I remember all of these top ten tunes. Have heard them all many times over the years.
I know my wife would love to throw out a lot of my stuff. However she has no problem with going out to get more stuff that we don’t need.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I can always listen to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. I love that song. I was not even conceived when these songs came out as I was born in 1964. I loved listening to the whole playlist. I love that pot with the fancy handle and I bet he loved it. These comics are so funny especially that first one. My hubby has tossed a few things out and I reamed him for it. I still get bothered by it and told him to never throw anything away or put it downstairs just because I have not used it for a while. I did this a couple of times and boy, did he just nag me like an old goat!
Love them oldies from ’62! Now I’m humming “Run To Him”…
I especially like “This is a load of Angel Soft…” We had trouble with it clogging the toilets, though….
Oh my in 1962 I was a 20 year old and a new mom in 1963! Love your music! Have a fun day!
Love the video and love the funnies. I have issues too and the logging trucks. Spot on.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I too have “issues”. LOL
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Tickle Me Tuesday, dear friend!
I can relate to your weather woes. It turned dramatically colder here last night and I awoke at my regular time this morning to find that the internet was out. It just came back on. That explains why I am arriving here later than usual. I’m sure you agree that having no internet service is a bummer. I hate being cut off from friends and the rest of the world.
I was age 12 in January 1962, and therefore have more vivid memories of the time and the mewsic than you do. “The Lion Sleeps” was a song that played on my transistor radio week after week as I rode the late bus home from school after basketball practice. It was a rickety old bus and it’s a wonder it made the trip across milers of snowy roads to my neighborhood without accident. It remains one of my fondest memories, that old bus, the cold and snow of winter 1962, and practicing to earn a spot on the junior high basketball team. That’s excellent footage in Chubby’s “Twist” video! I never saw that one, but it illustrates that people of all ages went wild during the “Twist” craze – kids, jet-set adults all over the world and grandparents. Bobby Vee left us a wealth of fine recordings and I am discovering more of them all the time. I had “Run To Him” in my vinyl collection years ago. I greatly admire Neil Sedaka. I along with his millions of fans am upset that Mr. Sedaka has still not been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. He was one of the architects of the genre, and yet continues to be snubbed by the nominating committee. The James Darren novelty ditty was a biggie in my neck of the woods. I had that record, too. In fact, all of these songs were in my vinyl collection at some point. A few years later, James Darren hosted some kind of dating show on TV. It was a thrill listening to that ballad by The Letterman “When I Fall In Love” in such HQ sound clarity. I never heard it sound that great before. I had that Ray Charles single, the bluesy “Unchain My Heart!”
Yessum, that is a beautiful saucepan gifted to you by your not-so-secret Santa DH. It shows how well he knows you and how much he appreciates your skill in the kitchen. HA! That meme showing a stand-off between a dog and a kitty at the doorway is a classic. Great pun in that second cartoon – “You’ve got issues.” Wow, I didn’t know that your son is 6-4. I envy him. I was so eager to grow taller so that I could be a better basketball player that I begged my parents to let me undergo surgery to have extra segments of bone added to my legs. Yessum, that’s how crazy I was over basketball and obsessed with growing tall. I ended up at 6-1 and was always disappointed by that. I wanted to be in the 6-7 to 6-10 range. Yessum, I learned the hard way never to throw away any of Mrs. Shady’s stuff even if it looks like trash.
Yessum, it’s hard to stay caught up on the blog circuit, especially when dealing with internet outages. I hate to bring it up, but the April A to Z will be here before you know it. You know how the weeks and months fly by, so if you plan on participating, you will need to start working on those 30 drafts. Thanks for the mewsic, memories and memes (giggles), dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tamale to check out your Wild Wednesday feature!
Many of the songs in today’s music line up I listened to throughout the later part of the decade and many of these classics have transcended through the decades exposing newer generations of yesterdays magical musical era. I need to correct myself. The other day, DH asked DS how tall is he. It turns out he’s an inch shorter. OH well, still 6’3″ is tall. He’d be shorter compared to the MBA stars but he’s a giant to me. lol My mind is on the April challenge and I hope I am able to rise to meet it head on fully prepared unlike last year. I have so many irons in the fire that it’s really hard for me to know how it’ll all play out but I’ll do my best. Whatever happens, happens and I’ll get through it. Thanks for stopping by this morning and don’t worry about not being here at your usual time. It’s such a cold, cold morning. The temps outside these four walls is reading slightly above 25º. We’re only expected to get to the mid-40s late this afternoon. At least, it’s supposed to be sunny.