
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Sea of Clouds

Howdy, Kittens & Dawgs! Last month, DH and I attempted to see the Perseids meteor showers to no avail. The reason being a shroud of heavy cloud coverage hung in the night sky with only a few breaks to see anything more than a single shooting star for each of us at different times the entire time spent staring into the pitch blackness with our necks craned and our imaginations stretched. This might seem a bit of a disappointment, but it was actually a fun adventure. Also, there’s an advantage to being in the mountains at 2am. We got a jump-start on getting to our favorite spots before the crowd. The clouds stayed with us throughout the day and this is why the Perseids was not visible with such a Sea of Clouds!

Photographed from Mt. Mitchell State Park summit just off the Blue Ridge Parkway


get the InLinkz code

I’m making headway on repairing broken links and videos, but it’s not getting done fast enough to suit me. Next week, I’m thinking about stepping away for just a bit to try to get this job done.  Today’s photo contribution for (not-so) Wordless Wednesday I plan to share with photo enthusiasts from around the globe participating in Skywatch Friday.

Next up, Friday Sillies and more Friday fun stuff!



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31 thoughts on “Sea of Clouds

    1. Lydia, every time we go to the mountains is exciting but when the elements are playful then it makes for even more exciting day! Thank you for popping by for a visit.

  1. Absolutely gorgeous picture! Perfect shot for Skywatchers! Too bad the clouds interfered but they sure gave you a beautiful view nonetheless.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. We had clouds too, we had a party planned at midnight with 2 other couples to watch. Last year we were lucky and saw a lot of them.

    1. Ellen, I think most folks were under the clouds during the shooting star occurrence. It is so hard to find a time whenever everything works perfectly together, but as I said in my previous posts about it it was a fun adventure. 🙂

    1. Myke, the view is breathtaking from Mt. Mitchell just about anytime, but when the elements are having a party then watch out! It’s more spectacular than usual!

    1. Patrick, wow that made my day to read your comment, “One of the best sky shots…”. It’s hard to mess up when you’re given just the right environment to photograph, you know? Thanks for uplifting my spirits with your kind praises! ?

  3. We tried to catch them too when we were up north on vacation. I think we were a day late though. Still, any night spent staring up at the great vastness of an ink black star dotted sky? Not a bad night at all. Hubby has “StarWalk” App on his phone, and it’s so awesome!!! You hold the phone up to the sky and it tells you want constellations, etc. you can see. There were so many the one night because we had an absolute clear sky and no light pollution in the woods. Amazing.

    1. Les, I bet the night sky is amazing in your neck of the woods. We’re you able to see the northern lights? I’d love to see that someday. We’re too far south to catch a glimpse of that night wonder…I think. We tried catching the Perseides two nights in a row with little success. On the second night I did get an interesting shot of the moon behind the clouds. I may have to share that next week.

  4. Great shot. I like to make pics out of clouds, but all I see is my bed and comforter in your clouds. This is way early for me. Hubby had to get up early today for work. 🙁

    1. Marie, sometimes passing clouds resemble interesting things. On this day u didn’t notice anything in particular. I guess my imagination was running slow due to lack of sleep. Lol

    1. Steve, lol Sometimes, we see thick mountainous clouds like that in the valley, but not often. The best place to see these gorgeous fluffy tiers and tiers of clouds is in the mountains. It was a great day!

    1. David, The view from Mt. Mitchell is gorgeous no matter what the weather brings. While we were photographing the clouds rolling in a park ranger came by and said the previous morning the clouds were so thick that he couldn’t see two steps in front of him. We’ve been up there when it’s been like that and it’s amazingly beautiful and moody! On this day, we had a mix of blue skies with a lot of clouds. It’s was awesome!

  5. I agree. It is a beautiful shot. Did you notice that a cloud coming from the left side of the photograph looks like an oogie-boogie headed towards the middle of the photo? Very cool. 🙂

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Suzanne, I had to look up oogie-boogie. Believe it or not, I have not seen the movie, A Nightmare Before Christmas. lol Now that I know what an oogie-boogie is then yes, it does look like one. Who knew I was photographing an oogie-boogie? Not me! At least, my oogie-boogie isn’t the big and scary kind. 🙂

      1. Cool. 🙂 I haven’t seen A Nightmare Before Christmas either. The kids had it, but I never watched it. I learned the word from another movies years ago. I thought yours was awesome. Who knows, maybe it is the spirit of fall colors coming on to color the mountainside. 🙂 Wouldn’t that be cool? Have a blessed day!

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