ABC Wednesday is nearing the alphabet again with the letter ‘W’ today and after April’s A2Z blogfest my brain is too pooped, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying mewsic. I mean, who can’t get into some tunes any time? Hit play to listen to this YT Whitesnake playlist while you continuing reading today’s share.
On Friday before Memorial weekend, we drove the Blue Ridge Parkway from Boone to Asheville, North Carolina. Before got on the parkway, we stopped at a bakery inside the Boone Mall, Cookies & Cream. We came away with four very large cookies – Chocolate Chip Walnut, Sea Salt Caramel, White Chocolate Macadamia, & Snickerdoodle. I didn’t snap a picture of the goodies but I wish I had but they were a surprise treat better than we expected and we plan to do a return visit.
With beautiful blue skies and fluffy white clouds. It was a gorgeous day. The weather was warm but thanks to the gentle to moderate breeze it kept the temperatures tolerable. It feels more like summer than spring.
Not far from Boone is the Julian Price Park picnic area. We stopped briefly but I don’t know why now and when I saw how lovely the landscape was I had to snap a picture with my iPhone. I did use my big girl camera but I didn’t like it quite as well.
We drove a while and got off at the Spruce Pine exit. DH wanted to see if they had any bakeries. We found two coffee shops that also had baked goods, so we decided to check them out. At the first one, across the street is an old Drive-in restaurant. You don’t see many of them unless they are replicas but this one is an original. I did use my big girl camera on these pictures.
A few things caught my eye. The first is the traffic light in the below photo.
Secondly, the old-fashion advertisement for the City Drive-In. I love vintage signs with retro-style women on the picture! There’s something really special about such nostalgia.
Returning home the radiant orangey sunset glow filled the sky not long after we passed the junction of I-40 west & I-81 north. Another great photo-op but the windshield is horribly dirty. I decided to shoot anyhow with my iPhone and use Pixelmator later to eliminate some of the spackles which I did.
I hope you enjoyed our little adventure. With the summer crunch on and Internet traffic slowing down, I’m dismissing the use of the linky tool until after Labor Day weekend.
You’re welcome…actually I encourage you to leave a breadcrumb (direct URL) back to your site for others to find you more easily.
Have a blessed day and please join me tomorrow for Thursday Art Date with Rain!
More mid-week hops:
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