grand funk railroad – Curious as a Cathy Enjoying life through music, doodles, & pix Fri, 07 Feb 2025 22:03:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 65600115 1974 The year I turned 13 Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:00:00 +0000 Howdy-hi, folks! Thanks for joining in today for my third volume of Top Ten Tuesdays.  For much of 1974 I was a preteen.  I am a December baby so the year I turned 13 much of the hits came out before I was officially a teenager.  This won’t stop me from using 1974 to build my playlist, though.  I’m a bit of rebel! 😉


TTT 1974 playlist: 1. Kung Fu Fighting ~Carl Douglas 2.

*TTT 1974 playlist:

  1. Kung Fu Fighting ~Carl Douglas
  2. You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet ~BTO
  3. I Honestly Love You ~Olivia Newton John
  4. Rock Me Gently ~Andy Kim
  5. The Night Chicago Died ~Paper Lace
  6. Rock the Boat ~The Hues Corporation
  7. The Streak ~Ray Stevens
  8. The Loco-Motion ~Grand Funk Railroad
  9. Hooked On A Feeling ~Blue Swede
  10. Love’s Theme ~Love Unlimited Orchestra with Barry White

*Inspiration borrowed from Wikipedia List of Billboard Hot 100 Number One Songs from 1974. I went with the song titles that jumped out at me beginning with December working my way backward through the year.

Let’s build a playlist together! Leave a #1 song in comments and if I use it, then I’ll give you credit for the contribution.   Hopefully, I’m ready to tackle my everyday blogging challenge.  I periodically spent time over the summer thinking about how I want to move forward on CAAC. 


A Tickle Me Tuesdays contribution for Stacy’s randomness and Sandee’s giggles link ups

I’m heading off to visit my Tuesday lineup gals with coffee in hand and I hope you’ll follow my lead.  That’s it for today.  Don’t skip off just yet, following this post I’m launching for the first time in a very long time a Tickle Me Tuesday edition.  Have a terrific Tuesday! X💋X💋, Cathy

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Rockin’ Weekend #RMF Sat, 12 Oct 2019 10:00:00 +0000 This is the second annual Roctober Mewsic Festival hosted by Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle and I’m happy to join along with her in the fun.   I always considered myself a soft rock to middle of the road rock gal but in the last 10 years, I realized that my rock n’ roll roots lean a little heavier and harder than I first thought.  This month, I’m revisiting some of the classic 70s bands that I loved as a preteen/teenager and you’re welcome to come along for the ride.

It’s the weekend and I’ve gone AWOL for the next few days but in my place, I’m leaving a short playlist of some of my favorites from the 70s. Hit play and enjoy the tunes! 


My rockin’ weekend tracks include:  ♥SATURDAY NIGHT Bay City Rollers  ♥LADY Little River Band  ♥YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO)  ♥BLINDED BY THE LIGHT Manfred Mann’s Earth Band  ♥LONESOME LOSER The Little River Band  ♥ROCK’N ME Steve Miller Band  ♥BLACK AND WHITE Three Dog Night  ♥LOVE ROLLLERCOASTER Ohio Players  ♥WE’RE AN AMERICAN BAND Grand Funk Railroad  ♥ROCK AND ROLL LOVE LETTER Bay City Rollers

Tomorrow, I’ll be coming at you with a doubleheader mewsic lineup. Be ready to hit the dance floor with this week’s 4M theme: In honor of Columbus Day, songs about taking a journey.  It can be an actual trip, or a trip into the imagination or even an emotional journey on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday and stepping back in time to the 70s with more Rocktober Mewsic Fest!

X💋X 💋, Cathy

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Saturday Song-susian #27 ~ Grand Funk Railroad Sat, 22 Feb 2014 10:00:00 +0000 Earlier in the week, A Daft Scots Lass spotlighted a song from a 70s crazy popular American hard rock band. There’s a saying that goes, “If you remember the 70s, you didn’t live it.” Well, I am here to tell you I was there, remembering and loving the music!

However, as time goes by my memory begins to fade on who did what songs. I wanted to review the heydays of this group, so please raise your hands in the air and get ready to live or relive the sounds of Grand Funk Railroad!

Photo of GRAND FUNK and GRAND FUNK RAILROAD; – Craig Frost, Mel Schacher, Don Brewer and Mark Farner, 1970 Credit: RB/Redferns/Getty

First let me say, I really wanted to start with a song by Grand Funk Railroad from 1969, the band’s birth year, but none of their music resonated as being remotely familiar. I guess I was too young to take note. When the 70s rolled in, this hard rock bluesy sounding group were cranking out highly favorable tunes with the bands’ fans.

My clearest musical recollections of Grand Funk Railroad are from these songs.


What’s your favorite song(s) by Grand Funk Railroad? Did you live or are you visiting the 70s?

I hope you enjoyed your visit. In fact, I hope you enjoyed it so much that you cannot wait to tell your friends. Go ahead, hit the share (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) button! You know you wanna. 😉 Thank you for taking time out of your weekend in stopping by to listen to tunes on Saturday Songsuasian!

Band members now: Mel Schacher, Max Carl, Don Brewer, Bruce Kulick, & Tim Cashion.

Have a songtastic Saturday!Save






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Mid to late 70s rockin’ down the house on 4M Mon, 25 Nov 2013 07:00:00 +0000

Welcome to week #168 of

A few weeks back Vandy J was our spotlight dancer. For her theme choice this week, she wants to know What songs did you listen to in high school? I don’t know about you guys, although that’s been a lot of years ago for me I still find myself boogieing to those same tunes today. Let’s rock the house down to some mid to late 70s sounds!

My freshman year 1976-1977 of high school, I was more than likely dancing to Paul McCartney and Grand Funk Railroad.

Our lovely hostesses, XmasDolly, would like to thank you for joining the party and as always JAmericanSpice, Stacy Uncorked, Just the stuff ya know & myself are happy that you came.

Now, it’s time to get our groove on with you so remember to link up and shake your bootie with the fellow rockin’ blogger buds below!


Dance party rules:  Grab XmasDolly 4M button here,  display it on your blog, and then add your favorite weekly music theme YouTube videos for everyone to enjoy. We aren’t music snobs if you have tunes to share that don’t fit in with our theme, then no problem! As long as you have music to share, then everything is cool coz all we want to do is dance with you! 

During my sophomore year from 1977-1978, I might have listened to songs by Andy Gibb and Lionel Richie.





As my sophomore year gave way to my junior year 1978-1979, these tunes were popular hits by ARS and the Queen of Disco.





Winding things up in 1979-1980 for my senior year, I can’t forget these fab hits by two outstanding female artists.






Did you have a good time on the dance floor? I did. Remember, to be considered for honorary co-host each month, then be sure to add your URL to the link up.  Next stop… your place!  What music did you listen to in high school?

Be sure to come back next week to dance with the 4M crew, and if you can’t get enough music, then join me for Saturday Song-suasion!

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Right Back Where We Started From, Mony Mony, Crocodile Rock, & We’re An American Band on 4M Mon, 25 Feb 2013 01:00:00 +0000


Welcome to 130th edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  This week’s theme is “Any song(s) which bring back good memories – music, commercial jingles, etc“.


I’m not sure why “Right Back Where We Started From” stands out in my mind, but when I hear this song it makes me happy. I assume it has something to do with a good experience, but I can’t swear to it. With that in mind, I do have some flashback songs  with good vibes in my soul. Dance with me down memory lane!

In the early 70s, I spent a week with my uncle and his wife. That was the highlight of my summer vacation. They didn’t have children at the time, so they indulged me just a bit. There wasn’t much to do in rural West Virginia, but there was always a steady supply of music. Whenever I think of such sweet times, Tommy James and the Shondells always come to mind.


As a kid, roller skating was one of the few things I got to do. It was a favorite pastime for many. Although, we didn’t get to go a lot, but when we were lucky enough to go to the rink then it was a blast. One of my favorite songs to roller skate to was Crocodile Rock.


During my 9th grade year, we had a Christmas prom. This was really exciting, but we were not allowed to have dates outside of those who attended my school. That meant, DH who was then BF could not go. What a bummer!

He was or I should say is tricky. He found away around the school’s no date clause. He asked the local band (who he use to play with regularly), if he could sub as their drummer. I had no clue until this song played!

Memories and songs seem universally synonymous. It’s hard to not put a song with a particular experience – good or bad. Hopefully, you have more good memories than bad this Monday as you think on yesteryear for today’s theme. 

Are you ready to get dancing? Admission to this awesome party is totally doable. Here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button 
  • Follow all 4 hosts, including the honorary co-host
  • Link your 4M below

Hostess of this virtual dance party is Marie of XmasDolly along with her co-hostesses:  Callie of JAmericanSpiceStacy of Stacy Uncorked,Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog), And, this month’s honorary co-host is Becca from Every Day Life!

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!


Go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below and if you wanna make put a smile on some one’s face today then be sure to leave them a comment!

Next stop… your place!  What songs bring back good memories for you?
4M Retro Style Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:00:00 +0000 Welcome to 127th edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. 

This week’s theme is “your choice“! This means simply, you share whatever tunes you got stuck inside your head or just those that are stirring your soul to boogie. Last week, I was in AC Moore when this song floated across their sound system.

1. BTO “You Aint Seen Nothing Yet” 2. Grand Funk Railroad “Bad Time” 3. The Blackbyrds “Walking in Rhythm” 4. Carl Douglas “Kung Fu Fighting” 5. Gloria Gaynor “Never Can Say Goodbye”

Was that fun or what?  Don’t contain your electric experience, shout it from the tree tops to all of your musical friends to come join party each Monday. Are you ready to get dancing this week? Admission to this awesome dance party is totally doable. Here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button
  • Follow all 4 hosts, including the honorary co-host
  • Link your 4M below

Head conductor of the Love Train is Marie of XmasDolly & her co-conductors are the lovely: Callie of JAmericanSpice,  Stacy of Stacy Uncorked , & Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog). This month’s honorary co-conductor Becca of Everyday Life

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!


Go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below and if you wanna make put a smile on someone’s face today then be sure to leave them a comment!


Next stop… your place!  What music is moving you?
My Teenage Rock n’ Roll Groove on 4M Mon, 10 Sep 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me! This week’s theme Ashley@ Dr. Pepper Diva suggested, “Music you listened to as a teenager” or if you wish you can keep with our original theme “Bloopers of any kind”.  It’s time to get this party on the show.

I’m not getting any younger but in my heart, I’ll be young forever. I decided to go with Ashley’s theme choice. In 1974, I was officially a teenager. I didn’t feel any different when I hit 13 and it’s funny I feel about the same today. Just like then I loved to dance, so let’s shake our bootie to these great 70s tunes!





These are only a few hits I listened to over and over and over again. You can check out more popular tunes from 1974, here.

Tell me, wasn’t that a lot of fun or what?  Don’t contain this electric experience. Shout it from the tree tops Tweet the word to all of your friends, inviting them to join the best dance party in Blogosphere each week right here on Monday’s Music Moves Me!

Are you ready to get dancing this week? Admission to ride the Love Train is totally doable for anyone.  Are you ready to rock n’ roll with all the other passengers? Then, here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button.
  • Link your 4M below, follow us, & leave a comment.

Head conductor of the Love Train is Marie of XmasDolly & her co-conductors the lovely Callie of JAmericanSpice,  Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, little ole me, and this month’s honorary co-conductor, Rebecca of Everyday Life.

Lorie of The Shewbridge of Central Florida is taking a break due to health issues. Sending prayers and thoughts your way, my friend! I hope you’re well soon. Meanwhile, we’ll do our best to hold things together while you’re away. 😉 Take care and God bless!

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!

Don’t forget to show our featured dancer some love and go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below. The Love Train will be pulling into your depot soon and I’m eager to begin by following you. Next stop… your place!  What music is moving you?

Do you have that good ole fashion dance fever? Then, continue the party below.


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