feline – Curious as a Cathy https://curiousasacathy.com Enjoying life through music, doodles, & pix Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:57:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 65600115 Diet test, something in the way she moos, word play memes, & Weird Al plus my responses for Friendly Fill-ins https://curiousasacathy.com/diet-test-something-in-the-way-she-moos-word-play-memes-weird-al-plus-my-responses-for-friendly-fill-ins/ https://curiousasacathy.com/diet-test-something-in-the-way-she-moos-word-play-memes-weird-al-plus-my-responses-for-friendly-fill-ins/#comments Fri, 21 Feb 2020 11:00:00 +0000 https://curiousasacathy.com/?p=41321
This truth applies to all humorous content. Be warned and precede cautiously.

This has been a short, rushed week. When DH is off on Mondays the week seems this way but when he has Fridays off it doesn’t.  Why is that I wonder? Earlier this week, I shared some giggles in Tickle Me Tuesdays and you’re welcome to check it out that edition if you missed out but if not, here’s your second dose of giggles this week!

I’ve learned over the years the best way to keep myself on track is not completely deny my sweet tooth. That is when binge eating can happen and well…that’s not good if you’re trying to restrict  your calories. Everything in moderation is a good practice.

Yep, that’s me! I’m slow at times to pick up on the punch line and other times I’m way ahead of the flock rolling on the floor.

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.

1. I am trying to sketch something everyday, mostly for the upcoming A to Z Challenge in April but I’m also doing illustrations for Thursdays Art Date with Rain. Daily doodles keeps me focused and brings me great joy!

2. I always get really excited when it snows! I love to see the white fluffy swirling and twirling falling gracefully to the ground. I even love seeing every tiny limb an bush covered in white but I’m equally happy when it goes because if it’s cold enough to snow then the temperature is too cold for me. I’ll take mild sunny winter weather over cold, snowy days anytime.

3. Turkey Hill All-Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream has my seal of approval. It used to be we could find this at Ingles grocery store all the time. Last year we asked ours to special order a couple of cases for us. It took forever to get but we got it. Unfortunately, we learned that they were removing it from their inventory. Man, what a bummer! This is absolutely the best stuff ever!
4. I would not recommend doing stupid stuff. That’s a bit encompassing but I’m sure you’ve seen your share of ‘stupid stuff’ on YouTube to know what I’m talking about. It absolutely amazes me what kids, even young adults attempt to do. Don’t they first say or at least think, “I’m not sure if this is a good idea?” Okay kids maybe not but adults? I’m not a thriller seeker, never have been. I’d rather my grave marker read, “…having lived a good, safe life for more than a century, she had few to no regrets…”

Click HERE to join the Friendly Fill-ins party!

That’s it for now. I don’t do weekends but you’ll find a scheduled post announcing my last BoTB results, so if you’re interested to see if your favorite artists won then check back tomorrow.  Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy

X💋X💋, Cathy

Skywatch Friday contribution, Fingers of God over the Appalachian Mountains

More Friday linky parties…

Disclaimer:  Comics used in herein unless otherwise noted, do not belong to me but are borrowed resources from the world wide web with the expressed purpose to make others smile or giggle and if both happen great.

https://curiousasacathy.com/diet-test-something-in-the-way-she-moos-word-play-memes-weird-al-plus-my-responses-for-friendly-fill-ins/feed/ 25 41321