I’m trying to get my head into the game for next month’s blogfest. I came up with a few ideas which I felt good about to only feel overwhelmed with the prospect of trying to get everything done before April 1st. I finally gave myself permission to not step up to the challenge this year. I hear your disappointing sighs but fear not just as I felt at peace with my plans to not participate I came up with a solution that may work. I won’t let the Cathy out of the bag yet since the Theme Reveal is coming on up Monday, but I may still be in the A2Z scheme of things. The decision to change gears actually happened while I began to work on this week’s TAD illustration hosted by Rain’s Garden. Her prompt is “dragons”.
Instead of extending myself beyond what’s comfortable, I’m going to do what I can or want to do. Perhaps, I should seek advice from someone who has a well thought out system on how to organize chores.
Then again, maybe not. Maxine has things figured out alright for doing nothing while I’m trying to figure out how to juggle everything. I’ll do my best to announce at the close of my posts what to expect next from me and if you’re an email subscriber for CAAC then you’ll get notification when new content publishes.
I invite you to join the linky party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays. This is your opportunity to self-promote your current post or another favorite. No rules to follow, except to keep things family friendly and for only personal bloggers to use this link up. Violators will be taken down.
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More Wednesday link up connections… Sandee, Joyce, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!
I’ll be back with the Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. This is CAAC signing off for now, as it’s time for me to be Takin’ Care of Business, have a wonderfully, Wild Wednesday!
The summer months are quickly dwindling away and in a few short weeks the new academic year begins again. I like that the first WSC prompt works with my Teacher’s Pet artwork. This week’s prompts are a song… with Bad Grammar in the Title, with a Food in the Title, and that mentions a Spice in the Title. I came up with BTO You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, CCR I Heard It Through the Grapevine, and The Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band.
Usually on Wednesdays I like to play along with Joyce’s Hodgepodge Q&A but life has been hectic for me with physical therapy two days a week, house chores, and preparing future blog posts. I’ll set this one.
It’s check in time once more to see how my progression is coming along with my A2Z Road Trips.
I had the pleasure to finish up with Molly’s Canopy. I refreshed my memory on the name behind the blog in Molly’s “About” section and was reminded that she’s a writer-editor, genealogist and family historian. She mentioned in her Theme Reveal how other genealogists often share their findings of their ancestors but forget to share their own stories and she didn’t want to be guilty of this so with this year’s challenge, she alphabetized her way through her early teen years in Endwell, New York using diary entries and memories to capture her readers’ imagination pulling them back in time to the early to mid 60s. I’m so happy I finally got back over to her place to pick up where I left off. In her Recap & Reflections post, she included the complete list making it super easy to click on each post. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each entry and I think you will, too.
More A2Z Looney Tune sketches in color:
My semi blogging hiatus is still going on but will come to an end after Labor Day. Hopefully, the first Wednesday in September I will be back in action with my regular blogging routine. I’ll be back with Monday’s Music Moves Me with your choice song picks and you’re invited to hit the dance floor with me. Have a wild and wonderful day! XX
, Cathy
Attention photographer enthusiasts, here are just a few Wordless Wednesday Communities hosted by some of my lovely friends: Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!
Thanks for stopping by, Kittens and dawgs, for this morning’s edition of Skywatch Friday! We had a lot of gray, rainy conditions for several days. In the pix above, the morning greeted us with lots of fog and I’m not going to lie to you in the stillness of the neighborhood, it felt a bit eerie being outdoors…all alone.
By mid-week things improved with the return of the morning sun. Look at this gorgeous sunrise!
The streaks of orange and yellow touch off shades of rose and lavender in the morning sky.
I even got a morning moon shot, as it played peek-a-boo.
The sun didn’t really make a huge return on this day. It was a bit dreary but the start was stupendous and I’m looking forward to more of those kinda days ahead.
How’s the view in your sky? Have you seen the sun much or has it been hiding behind the clouds?
Next, is my Celebrate The Small Things segment hosted by Lexa. Here’s my list of celebrations!
I’m celebrating other than this beautiful sunrise I shared earlier, I’m celebrating a new year of new beginnings with setting goals and working to meet them. This month I’ve spent time thinking about what I hope to get done this year. There are many things I want to accomplish in 2017 most are lifestyle improvements I sorta got away from while DH was out of a job. I’m ready to get back on track with them but my #1 goal for this year is to get into a new house. The process of dreaming and hunting is reason enough to celebrate but if DH’s job becomes full-time then this is the first time I feel like my wish will actually come true to get into a new home.
What are you celebrating?
See what others are celebrating this week!
How are you enjoying the break up in my Friday post with SWF/CTST separate from Friday Sillies/Fill-ins? That’s my cue, you’re invited to join me tomorrow for some laughs with Friday Sillies!
]]>Good morning, kittens and dawgs. We’re under a winter storm advisory with the prospect of 1-2 inches of snow. Seeing is believing in these neck of the woods, but two winters ago we did get this….
Will it look like a winter wonderland today? I don’t know, but if it does then I’ll be sure to snap a few pictures to share.
This week’s featured photographer is….
Go by to see what amazing pix she’s sharing today! Kindly include your Wordless or (not-so-wordless) Wednesday link below to join the party. It would be awesome, if you can show a little blog love by inviting your friends to join in on the fun, too! ?
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Thanks for popping in and joining the Wordless or Not-so-Wordless Wednesday fun.
Have you voted in my mid-January edition of Battle of the Bands yet? If not, I urge you to get in on the action, here and then come back on Friday to see, if your favorite artist is the winner.
Have a fototastic day!
I bet you five bucks there is snow on the Smoky’s now. The weather has been perfect for it all week!
I’m linking up with the SWF team and invite you to join other photo enthusiasts across the net. Next up, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.
I celebrate…
Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?
One way to celebrate is with Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot! That’s a wrap for now. Before you go, check out my latest edition of Battle of the Bands up next. Have a fototastic day!
~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~
]]>Ryan Seacrest is hosting the 13th season of American Idol, which returned to Fox last night with Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez, and new-to-Idol Harry Connick, Jr taking over Randy Jackson’s spot.
It’s too early to say with certainty, but I am not sure that I like the new format of the program. The show isn’t highlighting some of the truly horrible contestants, which can be really funny. I realize it’s not polite to laugh at someone else, but when you put yourself out there for the world to judge then you cannot expect anything less.
One thing I do like is there are not as many hostile, rejects mouthing off after being turned down by the judges or maybe the producer isn’t sharing these reactions with the audience. Whatever the reason is, I am happy I am not forced to see rude, ill behavior on national TV. The talent thus far seems a bit slim picking. In my opinion, as usual, the judges are putting people through who do not have what it takes to be the next American Idol.
Over the weekend, DH and I heard the distinctive sound of a mouse chewing on something. It’s inevitable that these itsy bitzy creatures of habit will make its move into our home during the winter. I have learned it’s not a question IF, but WHEN?
Systemically, we laid out several glue traps at the corners of the refrigerator. This has proven to be the best place to trap these furry intruders with a 99.999% non-fail rate. Yesterday I began to doubt that there was a mouse in our house until this morning….when what to my wondering eyes did appear, but the suspect (or at least one of) now fastened to the glue board. Prompting my not so rational minds to swiftly launch an attack to make sure all itsy bitzy creatures are no longer an issue .
At times like this, I wish a herd of cats would move into our back yard to keep mice away. The problem with having a mouse in the house is that when you see one, there is always another. You have to be aggressive in handling these incidents. After I disposed of the itty, bitty, intimidating fur ball I replaced the glue traps with all fresh ones.
This morning, I am listening to iTunes radio The 56th Grammy Away – Best New Artist Nominees station. In November I discovered my stereo CD player didn’t work and DH made a small modification by adding cable to my receiver.
Now, I can stream internet music through my receiver and out my stereo speakers. You can learn how DH did this here if you’re interested. The incredible thing about this all is by using iTunes, I have an unlimited music source for my listening pleasure. I can stretch my horizon through new songs every day. That makes me very, very happy!
Allow me to invite you to join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts linky party below: