Very soon, I will be moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. Yes, I finally took the plunge! In fact, I have gone thus far in hosting my own WP blog through Arvixe, and Brent Riggs from Linkytools is making sure I do it right!
Not to worry, I won’t leave without telling you beforehand. Until my new blog home is ready for me to move over to, then you’ll find me plunking away at my keyboard right here in on Blogger. I hope when the time comes for me to jump ships for good that you’ll decide to follow.
Have you thought about making the switch to WordPress? Why do you blog?
For years I have wanted to find something that I could do from home to contribute to the family income. I began blogging to promote my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, with aspirations of becoming an author of kiddie-lit. Although, my book is still available for purchase I found out this is a tough market to break into.
By that time, I found a new passion in blogging and my dreams of becoming a children’s writer diminished. Blogging provided the outlet that I needed to express and share with others my life’s lessons, recipes, DIY rubber-stamp art, photography, music, movies, and health/fitness. Inside this once secret community, I discovered a lovely group of people just like me.
Maybe someday, I can mushroom this blogging experience into a lucrative business through product/service affiliate programs and paid ads/posts or even learn how to develop personal blog designs and business websites. Who knows, maybe I can take a course or take a self-teaching course on HTML writing.
Technology is really cool stuff to me. I’m not a geeky, nerdy, super-duper, techie-smart person (not that’s a bad thing), but I do have a good general understanding of how these things work and am not afraid to roll my sleeves up to experiment and learn. However, until my ship sails for the land of milk & honey or in this case, an additional family income source, then I’m gonna sail over to my bloggy buds this morning for some fun! Wanna come with?
Don’t forget to join my no-rule Monday Morning Musings party below:
My first hop stop is with Stasha. This week’s Monday Listicles prompt is from Julia.
Each week, Heather puts on loan FOUR QUESTIONS for anyone to borrow and answer for your blog post, and then she gives you the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four questions you answered. Don’t forget to grab the MQAM badge for your blog or post or both from Acting Balanced blog!
1. March 17th is St. Patricks Day – where do you think the Leprechaun hid his pot of gold? Are you celebrating in any way? I don’t know where that Leprechaun hid his pot of gold, but it wasn’t in my backyard. The only thing I’ll be doing for St. Patty’s Day is making Beef O’Brady’s Reuben sandwiches and potato soup for dinner. Instead of beer, we’ll be having root beer with our meal.
2. What kind of luck do you have? I think like most people. I have a little good and bad luck.
3. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes right now? Nah. I don’t think so. I usually wear my sneakers a lot, so I guess you can say those are my favorites at the moment.
4. What is your current theme song? Hmmm, one doesn’t come to mind. But, if you wanna listen to some music then be sure to check out my earlier post, {4M #183} Over the Rainbow.
My question for today… Did you visit my new blog yet? If so, please tell me what you think of it on my new site.
This blog isn’t about cats at all. I don’t own a cat. I do like cats. In fact, I had an indoor house cat for the first 8-years of our marriage. Sadly, I developed cat dander allergies and I had to give our cat up for adoption to a good friend.
I am still the girl next door. It has taken me 3-years to figure out the precise direction I want to go with blogging. Like my tag line says, “Enjoying life one experience at a time through photography, music, & occasionally a cup of coffee with friends” describes exactly how I envision myself in Blogosphere. Is this the way you see me, too?
I think this is the season for change, don’t you agree?
Someone called me brave for making such a huge change. I don’t know about that. Maybe, I’m totally off my rockers for doing this. After all, it took me all this time to build my GFC following 500+ strong and that just went POOF with this “brave” change.
The challenge lies ahead as I bulk up my Google+ following, but am I really here for the numbers? If I am to be honest here, then yes. There’s new strength and energy in numbers. This helps to fuel my craving to share through writing, photography, and music with you.
For the next little while, I hope you aren’t inconvenience by my changes, if so I make my apologizes now. I am in the process of re-working my blog buttons to reflect my new blog theme. Please bear patience with me during this transition.
Please join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts linky party below:
To participate in Miss Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday classroom assignment of the letter ‘Y’, I would like to invite you to read/re-read a post Yesterday. Yesteryear. What I wouldn’t give for one more yesterday again that I wrote in May 2012 on Cathy Kennedy’s Blog.